Parasites Cleanse: Parasites and Autoimmune Disorders with Elizabeth Yarnell. Learn about how parasites are causing and effecting your autoimmune disorder and how to do an effective parasites cleanse. Learn why parasites are one of the often missing keys to autoimmune healing.
Elizabeth Yarnell is dedicated to demystifying chronic inflammatory conditions by identifying overlooked triggers. She knows the detrimental effects of parasitic infections firsthand, and has spent more than a decade as a Traditional Naturopath studying and practicing the most effective methods to treat this under-diagnosed affliction in her online clinic called The Inflammation Academy. A TEDx speaker, patented inventor, and best-selling author, Elizabeth has been featured in numerous newspapers, magazines, podcasts, and summits as well as on NBC, ABC, CBS, and PBS. She was recently a featured expert in the “Strange Pain” docuseries. Her next book explores the connection between inflammation and multiple sclerosis. check out Elizabeth’s main website. take the free quiz to see if you have parasides. (hint, you probably do.)– Self Care Facebook Group
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