Are you tired all the time? What if you could end fatigue for good and actually have enough energy to last you all day long every day? I’ve been there with being tired all the time. In fact, I used to go through times when I was so tired I just couldn’t move for hours on end and had to have an afternoon nap to even survive. Truthfully with my Hashimotos, I still sometimes struggle but it’s quite rare. I’ve figured out how to end fatigue 95% of the time and I want to help you do it too. Here are seven reasons why you are tired all the time and how to end fatigue for good:
- You aren’t getting enough high quality sleep. This one is probably the most obvious. However, you may even think you are sleeping well when you actually aren’t. While there are a variety of ways to get good sleep, I recommend two main ways. First, go to bed at night and wake up in the morning at a consistent time. Second, use essential oils to help you sleep. Yes really. I use the serenity blend capsules from Doterra and they work like magic for me. If you need more ideas read my blog post How to use a sleep journal, while it says children, it also works well for adults.
- Figure out why you are really tired. Do you have an auto-immune condition causing your fatigue? Do you have a supplement deficiency? or are there other health issues causing your fatigue? Then work to fix them and your energy levels will improve.
- Do you have a B12 or Iron deficiency? or possibly both? These are two of the most common vitamin deficiencies that can be causing fatigue. If so, then you need to increase your intake of these vitamins usually with a supplement in addition to eating more iron rich and b12 rich foods.
- Do you have adrenal fatigue? This is becoming much more common and especially in women. If you have thyroid issues, then you probably also have adrenal issues. Read my blog post on adrenal fatigue for some tips.
- Do you have hidden food allergies and or food intolerances? This is a big one that many people miss. The biggest clue that food is a problem for you is if you get tired within a few minutes of eating a certain food. The best solution to this is to eliminate these or to avoid these foods.
- Do you eat too much sugar? While yes sugar can give you an energy boost, it also is temporary and too much sugar can cause fatigue. Learn how to control your sugar intake to end fatigue.
- Do you have a caffeine or soda addiction? While caffeine can give you energy, it is also temporary and can make it so you are tired all the time without it. Learn to limit caffeine if not avoid it completely and you will have more energy.

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