Too often there are a lot of things that no one ever tells you about Hashimoto’s disease. These are things I have only learned through a lot of research and talking with other people who have Hashimoto’s. I wrote another blog post about the 17 things You Must Do After Getting Diagnosed With Hashimoto’s. This is a followup to that blog post designed to offer some thyroid healing tips.

  1. You can heal and go into remission. You aren’t stuck with it for life. Too often doctors tell you that you can’t recover and that you are stuck with it for life. While it is true that you will likely have to always be careful and be proactive to avoid relapsing, you can go into remission from Hashimoto’s. Is it easy? No. But it can be done.

2. There is no medication that will just fix it all. This is one of the reasons why many doctors say you can’t heal from it is that there isn’t a medication that will heal you from Hashimoto’s. Since most doctors are used to dealing with illnesses that can be fixed with medication, they will tell you there is nothing you can do.

3. Diet matters and it matters a lot. This is one reason why hiring a health coach, nutritionist and or working with a functional medicine doctor is a must. There are also lots of books, blogs and recipes that can help you.

4. There is no one diet that will fix it for everyone. This is one of the most important thyroid healing tips and is a reason why it is so difficult to heal from Hashimoto’s. While certain things such as gluten and dairy are often a problem for most people, and many people advocate for a diet known as the autoimmune paleo diet, even this diet doesn’t work for everyone. Finding the diet that will work for you, takes experimenting and is a process.

5. Your adrenal gland impacts your thyroid as much or more as your thyroid function does. This is something that I have just been learning recently and is often the missing piece for a lot of people. See my other post on adrenal fatigue.

6. You aren’t doomed to lose your thyroid. If you go to an endocrinologist, too many of them will just give you meds and tell you that you will eventually lose your thyroid. However, this is complete BS and just isn’t true. There is a lot you can do to save it, to heal naturally and to avoid this disaster. Some doctors will even pretend that losing your thyroid and being on medication for the rest of your life, isn’t a big deal, however, I will tell you that it is. Read this blog post from Andrea Beaman on why everything you’ve been told about your thyroid isn’t true.

7. Being vegan is bad for your thyroid. I’m sorry if you are vegan or if you are leaning towards wanting to try a vegan diet, but it’s true. Healing your thyroid requires you to eat at least bone broth and the proteins from some meat. You don’t have to eat it all the time. You don’t have to eat red meat but you do need to at least eat some chicken and fish.

8. You need to find the root cause of your thyroid problems in order to really heal. There are a variety of reasons why you have Hashimoto’s and really healing requires you to figure out why. Some of the common reasons include toxins, a prior infection, stress, emotional reasons, and diet or vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

9. Toxins are a big deal. Too many of us have large amounts of toxins in our bodies. Toxins come from a variety of sources including from the 20 sources I wrote about in this post.

10. You don’t necessarily need medication forever. Too often you are told you will need medication forever. In some cases you may, however, not everyone does. If you want to get off of it you can in most cases.

Which one of these thyroid healing tips did you find the most useful? I’d love to hear from you and if you want me to help you, let’s talk.

Check out my Hashimoto’s Journal and Planner- Print on Amazon, Printable PDF from Etsy

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