Are you curious why I don’t drink green smoothies anymore? Then keep reading and I will share with you why I have quit drinking green smoothies even though these used to be a big part of my diet. In fact, I used to drink them at least four times a week for breakfast and sometimes even more often than that. I used to think that they are healthy and have discovered that they aren’t as healthy as you might think.
First, Green smoothies contain a lot of foods and ingredients that are considered goitercentric. In case, you aren’t familiar with this term, this is a term used to describe foods that can cause your thyroid nodules to increase and can cause inflammation in your thyroid. Since I have hashimotos I’m trying to heal from, this is a big problem.
Second- green powders and raw greens such as broccoli, spinach and kale are not good for thyroid health. You can have them cooked in moderation but you shouldn’t ever eat them raw. This is one reason why raw vegans often have or develop thyroid issues.
Third, protein powders, and other so called superfoods, when eating in the wrong format can damage your thyroid as well. I’ve had to stop eating protein powders and to limit my consumption of chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax and other similar things. When you can’t have protein powders and many of these super foods, then green smoothies become near impossible to create.
Fourth, breakfast should be a hot meal. There are a variety of reasons for this, however, the main reason is that your body needs something hot to really get the fuel and energy you need for your day. I used to notice that when I did drink a green smoothie for breakfast, I was crazy hungry after only a few hours. When I eat some gluten free oats with nuts or seeds and fruit, or eggs with vegetables, or buckwheat pancakes for breakfast, I stay full all morning long. There are also hormonal balance reasons why you really need to start your day with hot food.
In summary, if you have no thyroid issues, then you may be able to drink green smoothies, however, I no longer drink them myself, nor do I recommend them.

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