What are the best essential oils? How do I use what I consider to be my top 10 essential oils and why. Keep reading to learn about what I consider to be the best essential oils.
- Frankincense- This essential oil is known as the king of oils by many aromatherapy experts. There are a variety of reasons for this but the main ones include: It is versatile and can be used for a variety of things. It was one of the essential oils used throughout the bible and was one of the gifts of the magi to the Baby Jesus. It is known as the fountain of youth and is used in a lot of skin care products. Frankincense can be used to help with anti-aging. It also can help to reduce inflammation and to help with supporting the immune system. I like to use 1 drop under the tongue every day in the morning. I also like to use my roller ball with frankincense and I roll it a couple of times over my neck and thyroid area to support me in this area of my healing. I also like to mix it with peppermint and either diffuse it, or put it on my wrists and inhale for an energy boost and for adrenal support.
- Lavender- often referred to as the queen of essential oils, lavender can also be used for nearly endless reasons. My favorite ways to use lavender include: putting a few drops with epsom salts in a bath at night for relaxation and to reduce stress, spraying my pillow with a few drops before going to bed, and rolling a few drops on any skin issue I may encounter.
- Lemon- This is a must have for diffusing, drinking 1-2 drops in water in the morning, for making homemade throat drops and for green toxin-free cleaning. You can also use it to remove gum from hair, or to remove ink marks from walls and furniture. Lemon is also seen as one of the most commonly used essential oils.
- Rose- this one of if not the most expensive essential oils. However, you only need 1 drop for it to have a big impact. It has been said that 1 drop of rose can be used to have a positive emotional impact on an entire room of people. There is a reason why rose is common in skin care and perfume products. I like to use the rose roll bottle from Doterra as it is a way to get rose without having to pay an arm and a leg for it. I like to rub it on my feet, neck, chest and anywhere else I feel like it when I’m having a hard or rough day to help with emotional support.
- Wild Orange- this essential oil is another great citrus oil to help with increased energy and mood. I like this one diffused or mixed with peppermint on my wrists for a great energy boost. It is also delicious when you put a drop in a cup of hot chocolate.
- Peppermint- This must have essential oil is used for digestive support, to help clear sinuses and to help relieve seasonal threats among other things. I like to use peppermint in my diffuser, on my feet and under my sinuses to help with clearer breathing.
- Eucalyptus- this is a must have for anyone who struggles with sinus issues. It is my favorite essential oil to use in a neti pot. There is a reason why many high end spas have eucalyptus steam rooms.
- Turmeric- You are likely more familiar with turmeric as a spice and herb rather than as an essential oil. However, this is a great essential oil too. I like to use this one primarily in a capsule and swallowed. I’ve tried adding it to carrier oil on my feet, however, the smell is so strong and I can smell it afterwards for several hours and it has a tendency to make me sneeze.
- Copiaba- this is a great essential oil that is also a canabanoid. Therefore it can be used in place of CBD and has no THC. I like to either combine it with turmeric in a capsule, or to rub a few drops on my feet, knees, back and anywhere else I am in need of some relief from muscle tension.
- Clove- this is the final essential oil in a powerful trio I like to combine with turmeric and copaiba in a capsule on days when I’ve feeling a bit off and in need some of additional antioxidant support. Clove has the highest orac score of any essential oil and is also really great for dental and oral health. I also like to use it with oil pulling when I am in need of some support for my teeth and mouth.

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