Do you struggle with how to increase your energy levels in the summer? This is a common problem especially when it is very hot. The heat can increase fatigue in some people. Especially if you have thyroid and or adrenal challenges. However, summer is the season of vitality, enthusiasm, and boundless energy according to many traditions including Eastern medicine. So in reality it should be easier to increase your energy levels in the Summer. Summer has a unique way of awakening our senses and inspiring us to make the most of every moment.

  1. Embrace the Power of Nature:

Summer offers a wonderful opportunity to connect with the natural world around us. Step outside and breathe in the invigorating air. Take leisurely walks in the park, hike through scenic trails, or simply sit beneath a tree and marvel at its beauty. Engaging with nature not only revitalizes our bodies but also rejuvenates our minds and spirits. So, embrace the power of nature and let it fuel your high energy summer. I’ve noticed that if I’ve feeling tired and I step outside and walk around for a few minutes it helps a lot. Even my dog likes to go outside in the summer and she will just stand on our patio and bask in the sun. We need to do the same thing as humans.

  1. Stay Active and Energized:

The long, sunny days of summer provide ample opportunities to engage in outdoor activities. Whether it’s swimming, cycling, playing beach volleyball, or practicing yoga in the park, find activities that make you come alive. Physical exercise releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones, that boost our energy levels and uplift our mood. So, stay active, and let the summer sun be your guiding light to a healthier and more energized self. I find that swimming, going for evening walks when it is cooler and walking on the grass to get grounded are the ones that help me the most. If you live near a beach, you can also go for walks on the beach. The nearest beach for me is over 12 hours away so that isn’t an option for me but if you have one, make sure to take advantage of it.

  1. Nurture Your Passion:

Summer is the perfect time to explore and indulge in your passions. Whether it’s painting, writing, playing a musical instrument, or gardening, devote time to activities that ignite your soul. Engaging in activities we love fills us with a sense of purpose and joy, infusing us with high energy and motivation. So, embrace your passions, and let your creativity flow freely during this vibrant season. There are a lot of classes offered in the summer that aren’t offered in winter. Usually because of the fact that more people have vacation time, children aren’t in school etc. Find some fun activities you can do during the summer to give you more energy.

  1. Cultivate a Positive Mindset:

A positive mindset is a key ingredient for a high energy summer. Choose to focus on the beauty and abundance that surrounds you. Practice gratitude daily, appreciating the little things that bring you joy. Surround yourself with positive, like-minded individuals who inspire and uplift you. Remember, your thoughts shape your reality, so nurture a positive mindset and watch your energy levels soar. I find that reading positive uplifting books and doing meditation can really help a lot.

  1. Discover New Experiences:

Summer invites us to venture into new territories, try new activities, and explore different cultures. Take advantage of this season’s vibrant energy to broaden your horizons. Travel to new destinations, embark on road trips, or visit local festivals and events. Immerse yourself in new experiences, for they have the power to awaken your senses, enrich your soul, and create unforgettable memories.

  1. Prioritize Self-Care:

Amidst the hustle and bustle of a high energy summer, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care. Allow yourself moments of relaxation and rejuvenation. Indulge in bubble baths, read a captivating book, or simply unwind with a sunset meditation. Remember to stay hydrated, nourish your body with wholesome foods, and get enough restful sleep. Self-care replenishes your energy reserves, ensuring you can fully enjoy the summer’s exuberance. It can be tempting in the summer to eat too much sugar, ice cream, doughnuts etc but by sticking with healthy eating and according to your personal dietary needs, you will have more energy in the summer. You also need to drink more water in the summer and I often find that by drinking water when I’m feeling fatigued, it can really help give me a bit of an energy boost.

I know it can be challenging to keep up your energy in the summer but it really can be done if you follow these tips and keep working at it.

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