Clearing the Way to Health and Wellness: Reversing Chronic Conditions by Freeing the Body of Food, Environmental, and Other Sensitivities
is a book by Dr. Ellen Cutler. Dr. Cutler is a chiropractor who invented what is called the Bioset method for healing from allergies and food intolerances. I was introduced to her by Maria Rickert Hong. when she did a webinar where she interviewed Dr. Cutler. I found both her interview and the book which I did buy as an ebook and I read it very informative and helpful.
The bioset method is a natural way to clear your body from allergies and food intolerances. However, this does not mean that you can or should still eat the foods. Rather it is a way to help you if you accidentally or occasionally decide that you want to eat a little bit of a food that can be a problem for you. The bioset method uses a combination of acupressure – using your fingers to apply pressure to specific acupuncture points on your body with muscle testing while holding the food in question.
Dr. Cutler has videos that demonstrate how do this this technique on her website as well as details in her book. The book also has some very interesting and helpful information on how to help your body heal naturally from allergies. She also talks quite a bit about the connections between allergies and auto-immune disorders. As I am currently dealing with three different ones plus chronic inflammation and food intolerances, I found this book to be one of the best I’ve read in the past few months. I highly recommend that you read it and learn from it on how you can help your body to heal itself.
Buy her book here: Clearing the Way to Health and Wellness: Reversing Chronic Conditions by Freeing the Body of Food, Environmental, and Other Sensitivities

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