What is the Doterra Life Long Vitality Pack?

Have you heard about the Doterra life long vitality pack and wondered what it is and how you may be able to benefit from it? Many people have so keep reading to learn all about […]

10 Things I Never Buy at Walmart

Last week I wrote a post about the 10 things I always buy at Walmart, so today I thought I would write about the things I never (or almost never buy at Walmart.) 2. Meat- […]

10 Things I Always Buy at Walmart

While I’m not a big Walmart shopper, there are some things I always buy at Walmart. These things are usually the best deal there and are always high quality. Here is my list of the […]

My Favorite Powdered Greens

Do you use powdered greens? If not, you really should give them a try. There are probably hundreds of varieties of powdered greens available for sale at everywhere from Walmart to Target to Sprouts to […]