Do you have good metabolic health? If you are like 93% of the US population you don’t and could really use some metabolism wellness tips. 

I recently learned that the percentage of people with poor metabolic health is that high. I knew that the majority of the US population doesn’t have good metabolic health, but I had no idea that it was over 90%. I’ve also recently become aware of all the different ways your metabolism can affect your health. If you are like me, I thought it was only or mostly about weight. However, the first metabolism wellness tip is to be fully aware of all the ways in which your metabolism works and how it affects your health and weight is only one aspect. In fact, you can be skinny and still not have ideal metabolic health.

In addition to weight, your metabolism wellness affects your immune system, how severely you get sick when you get sick, your aging, the health of your skin, bones and nerves, your blood sugar levels, your energy levels and your sleep among other things.

How we move, what we eat, the quality of our relationships and rest along with managing stress and choosing superior supplementation, all play a role in optimal metabolic health. 

So here are some metabolism wellness tips to help you improve your metabolic health:

First, make sure to get superior supplementation. This includes making sure that you have adequate vitamins and minerals especially vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc and collagen. Many supplements have additives in them that are extremely harmful and can be worse than if you didn’t take supplements at all. So you want to make sure you are fully aware of the quality of the supplements you are taking. See this blog post to help, or schedule a free consultation with me and let’s talk about your options. 

Second- make sure you get adequate sleep. If you aren’t sleeping at least 7 hours per night then you need to do whatever you can to change this. I’ve written a few posts specifically about sleep and how to get more of it. If you still can’t sleep after doing everything you can, then you need to see a doctor or sleep specialist to make sure you figure out why. You really must sleep for optimal results with your metabolic wellness.

Third- limit stress in your life. I know this is easier said than done, however, it really is true that stress can kill. See this post about how to limit or reduce your stress levels. This is something else I can help you with as a health coach.  For most people they can reduce their stress by implementing some rather simple steps and prioritizing self care. However, in some cases you may need to do something drastic like change jobs or move. However, it is worth it for your long term health. 

Fourth, prioritize healthy eating and especially a diet that allows you to have balanced blood sugars. Limiting or avoiding sugar, processed foods and high carbs is a good start for most people. There are also essential oils and herbs that can help balance your blood sugar. You can also experiment with different food combinations. For most people this means eating a lot more green vegetables and lean meats and little to no white foods. If you suspect that this is a big problem for you, you may want to get a device to track your blood sugar levels. 

Fifth- exercise regularly. Did you know that in order to lose weight you should be moving a minimum of 10,000 steps per day? I didn’t realize it was that high. In fact, 6,000 is the minimum to avoid gaining weight. I know from tracking my steps that I have to exercise at least 30 minutes per day in addition to any walking in order to just hit 6,000 steps. In order to get to 10,000 this means an hour a day of exercise unless you are working a job where you are moving around on your feet a lot. I like to focus on swimming, zumba, yoga, dancing with my nintendo switch, ice skating and walking my dog. I like to use an oura ring to track my activity along with other health statistics. You can also use an apple watch, a fit bit or other tracker, but you do want to have some kind of tracker and not just guess. 

Sixth- take inventory of your relationships. Who do you spend the most time with? Are these people encouraging you in your efforts for metabolism wellness? Or are they doing the opposite? If you need extra help you can also consider an accountability partner. This is one advantage to joining me with my business even if you don’t sell the products but are just a customer. I offer a community and there are lots of options for finding accountability. In any case, if you are spending too much time with people who have poor health habits or who encourage you to eat foods you know aren’t good for you and who don’t exercise regularly, then you should your best to either find new friends or do what you can to influence your relationships to join you in your journey for metabolism wellness. 

Which one of these six metabolism wellness tips stands out to you as the easiest for you to start implementing? Take action and get started today with one one these and keep working on it. Step by step you will succeed and you will look back and where you used to be and be amazed at how far you have come. 

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My Favorite Products (Affiliate links- if you make a purchase I may earn a small commission)
Thrive Market - healthy gluten free, sugar free and speciality online food and household products
Silk and Sonder Monthly Journals and Planners
My Portable Infrared Sauna
Self Care Journal
Martie discounted food
Olipop - healthy soda with probiotics and prebiotics
Digestion Kit
Stress Oils