
Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’ve heard the song the 12 Days of Christmas with the crazy and impossible gift ideas. Here are 12 Days Christmas Gift Ideas that you can actually give to people without breaking the bank and that are actually fun, healthy and useful for people.

The 12 Days Christmas Gift Ideas

I made this list with the idea that if you wanted to stick to the number it would still make sense. So the most expensive gift and the one everyone only needs one of is first and then as you go down the list you could give someone 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on.

1- 1 Oura Ring, Stanley Cup- With this one I had two ideas so I thought I would cheat a bit and list them both. My oura ring is one of the best things I ever bought for tracking my health and wellbeing. I’m linking to a podcast episode I did with more details. Stanley cups are all the rage and of course would make a great gift as well.

2- 2 home weights- These are always good to have and everyone needs two in order to do a proper lifting workout.

3- Essential Oils- Really you could give more but I figured that 3 is always a nice combination. Especially something like lemon, lavender and peppermint.

4- Hand/body lotions- A great one for number 4 since it’s always nice to have one in your purse, one near your bed, one in your car etc.

5- Gluten free cookie mixes- a great way for someone to stock up for the holidays thoroughout the year. I really like King Arthur, Pamelas and there are lots of others out there.

6- Magnets- I love this magnet set from Amazon (affiliate link) to help with any kind of discomfort and pain. I especially will use them with my knees and back for about 20 minutes at any one time.

7- Puzzle or Game Books- another item people always need multiple of, plus you can get good cheap ones at Dollar tree or on sale at Walmart or Target.

8- Bags of herbal tea- I’m not sure how many bags usually come in a box but I think it’s around 8.

9- Dark sugar free chocolates- You could either gift exactly 9 from a package and eat the rest yourself, or 9 packages if you really want to go overboard.

10- Cans of healthy soup- like Amy’s- These are always great for when you need a quick meal or to keep on hand at work for when you forget your lunch or get stuck there longer than you expected.

11- Healthy meal ideas- Who doesn’t need more of these? You can get some good ideas to help you here.

12- Home-made cleaner recipes or Christmas ornaments- Again two ideas since either of these would make a great gift in 12. You can find lots of homemade cleaner recipes online, or check out this post.

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My Favorite Products (Affiliate links- if you make a purchase I may earn a small commission)
Thrive Market - healthy gluten free, sugar free and speciality online food and household products
Silk and Sonder Monthly Journals and Planners
My Portable Infrared Sauna
Self Care Journal
Martie discounted food
Olipop - healthy soda with probiotics and prebiotics
Digestion Kit
Stress Oils