Have you ever considered using a sleep journal to help improve your child’s sleep? What about your sleep? The concept of using a sleep journal might seem like an unusual thing but it can really help if you or your child or both of you are struggling to get the kind of sleep you need. Here is how a sleep journal works:
1. It’s a guide and a document that helps you track all of the details relating to sleep. This includes things such as the time you went to bed, the time you woke up, how many times you woke up during the night, whether or not you were tired later in the day, what you ate and drank within the last two hours before going to bed etc.
2. It’s a tool to help you track patterns in your sleep and to identify reasons why you or your child may not be getting the kind of sleep you or your child needs.
Using a sleep journal can help improve your child’s sleep when you’ve tried everything. If you’ve already tried essential oils, herbal remedies, drugs, music, changing the lighting and anything else you can think of then using a sleep journal may the just the missing piece you need.
still curious? Check out my sleep journal here.

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