Is gluten causing or making your allergies worse? What? Yes, the reality and truth about gluten and allergies is that if you have really bad allergies then gluten may be causing them. While gluten may or may not be the only reason your allergies are out of control, it is certainly worth looking into the connection between gluten and allergies. Personally I had horrible so called “seasonal” allergies that never went away and I tried everything you can think of both over the counter, prescription, holistic, alternative you name it I tried it. My allergies never really cleared up until I went gluten free. Sure the other allergy remedies that I tried helped but they didn’t get to the root of the problem and I still had sinuses that were constantly stuffed up, eyes that watered a lot, etc.
That said, here are some articles and other support materials to help you really understand the truth about gluten and allergies.
1. Gluten is a known inflammatory. See my article about the connection between inflammation and allergies. How an anti-inflammatory diet can help with allergies. Also see this article on Why You Should Ditch Gluten Now If You Have an Autoimmune Disease. While having allergies does not necessarily mean that you have an auto-immune disease, if your allergies are severe, then there is a good chance that you do.
2. Gluten is one of the top 8 allergens that are known to cause problems in a lot of people. [Even if you have had a blood test or a skin prick test that was negative, this does not mean that you are not sensitive to gluten and yes gluten can still be one factor for really bad allergies.]
3. Gluten causes what is known as leaky gut and leaky gut is proven to make allergies worse.
4. There is a known connection between allergies in your head and your digestive system. A healthy digestive system means that you will not have severe allergies. Yes, you may still stand under a tree with pollen and sneeze but you will not have allergies year round. Gluten is proven to cause problems in the digestive systems of a lot of people.
Here is a video with even more information about gluten sensitivity and gluten and allergies.

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