Are you worried about essential oil poisoning and children? There have been several media reports lately about children being poisoned by essential oils. While this is a valid concern, all it takes is a few safety precautions and you can easily prevent essential oil poisoning from occurring. Here are some things to think about and some action steps to take.

1. Remember that while essential oils are natural, natural doesn’t necessarily mean safe. Plenty of things are natural but still aren’t safe. Furthermore, many things are natural and safe when used in the proper amounts and in the proper ways. Essential oils are one of these things. They are safe for both children and adults when used properly.

2. Keep all of your essential oils locked away in a cupboard or other place for safe keeping. A young child who can climb should not be able to access your essential oils on his or her own without help from an adult.

3. Teach your child that he or she must not use essential oils without asking you or another trusted adult first.

4. Teach your children how to properly use essential oils so that if he or she does accidentally get into them, so he or she will know how to use them properly. This means never ever putting more than 1-2 drops on at a time, putting the oils only on the hands, wrists, or feet and never ever in the ears, eyes, nose, or mouth. Even if you are using essential oils internally you should not use them in this way with any children under the age of 6. Your child should not think of essential oils as food, or as something that you can eat or drink.

5. Always have some coconut oil, olive oil, jojaba oil or other carrier oil ready to dilute your essential oils if needed. I like to have roller bottles already prepared with both a carrier oil and an essential oil and to teach children to only use these. That way if they do get into them, they will avoid many of the skin issues that can arise when too much of an essential oil is put on the skin.

6. Educate yourself about essential oils so that you will know how much is too much and you will know which ones can be used internally and which ones are poisonous when used in that manner.

Comment below if you have additional ideas on how to avoid essential oil poisoning.

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