Creating a dairy free weekly menu plan can be a challenge especially if you are cooking for a child who has to be dairy free or if you have people in your house who can eat dairy and others who cannot. Here are my tips for how to create a dairy free weekly menu plan with simple and delicious dairy free recipes that even the pickiest child will eat.
1. Make sure that you keep dairy free staples in stock so that you have them available to create your dairy free recipes. The following are food items that I try to never run out of:
Coconut or Almond Milk. (Rice or Soy milk can work too but I prefer coconut or almond)
Olive Oil (sunflower oil, grape seed oil, or avocado oil can work too but olive oil is my favorite. No canola oil however, as it is really bad for your health for other reasons.)
A selection of spices- lemon pepper, paprika, pepper, and pink himalayan salt are some of my favorites
Nutritional Yeast (this has some great vitamins in it but also has an orange color that can be used to make a great Dairy Free and Gluten Free Macaroni and Cheese
2. Write out your menu plan with a paper and pen or use a computer to type it out and then print it. This makes it more official and easier for you to track and can help with writing a grocery list to take to the store.
3. Make vegetables the focus of every meal with small amounts of meats and grains. Doing this makes creating simple and delicious dairy free meals a lot easier.
4. Experiment with various spices that can be used to substitute the flavor that you or your child is used to when using cheese.
5. One pot meals where you saute combinations of meats and veggies are my favorite classic dairy free meal.
6. You can also create an orange color by boiling carrots and potatoes together and blending them into a sauce. This can then be served as another way to create dairy free macaroni and cheese, or as a sauce over rice and vegetables or any other recipe that your child may be used to eating with cheese that has an orange color.
7. Know that it will take some time and experimenting but over time you will get better at it and you and your entire household will learn to enjoy a variety of simple and delicious recipes without cheese or other dairy products.

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My Favorite Products (Affiliate links- if you make a purchase I may earn a small commission)
Thrive Market - healthy gluten free, sugar free and speciality online food and household products
Silk and Sonder Monthly Journals and Planners
My Portable Infrared Sauna
Self Care Journal
Martie discounted food
Olipop - healthy soda with probiotics and prebiotics
Digestion Kit
Stress Oils