I first started using an infrared sauna in 2019 and have been hooked ever since. I wrote another post about what happened after I started using one weekly for 3 months. However, last November after a lot of research, I finally bought my own infrared sauna. I thought I would share with you what I’ve learned about them and what you should look for when buying an infrared sauna. If you are considering buying one, or want to keep reading.

Infrared saunas have gained tremendous popularity in recent years due to their potential health benefits and the luxurious relaxation they offer. As the demand for personal wellness continues to soar, more and more individuals are considering bringing the spa experience into their homes by investing in an infrared sauna.

  1. Understanding Infrared Saunas:

Infrared saunas differ from traditional steam saunas as they use infrared heaters to emit radiant heat, which is directly absorbed by the body, resulting in a deeper sweat. The heat penetrates the skin more effectively, offering several potential health benefits, such as improved circulation, detoxification, relaxation, pain relief, and skin rejuvenation. Moreover, infrared saunas operate at a lower temperature compared to steam saunas, making them more tolerable for individuals who struggle with the intense heat.

  1. Health Benefits of Infrared Saunas:

a. Detoxification: Sweating is one of the most effective ways for the body to eliminate toxins. Infrared saunas can stimulate a deep, detoxifying sweat, helping to flush out heavy metals, pollutants, and other impurities from the body.

b. Improved Circulation: The radiant heat from infrared saunas helps dilate blood vessels, leading to improved blood flow and circulation. This can benefit cardiovascular health and aid in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to various organs and tissues.

c. Relaxation and Stress Relief: The gentle warmth of an infrared sauna can induce a state of deep relaxation, reducing stress levels and promoting overall well-being. It can also help relieve muscle tension, ease joint pain, and promote better sleep.

d. Skin Health: Regular use of an infrared sauna can enhance skin health by promoting collagen production, increasing blood flow to the skin, and reducing the appearance of blemishes, acne, and fine lines. The deep sweating can also help cleanse the pores, resulting in a clearer complexion.

  1. Key Considerations When Buying an Infrared Sauna:

a. Size and Space: Consider the available space in your home when choosing an infrared sauna. Measure the area where you plan to install it to ensure you select the appropriate size that fits comfortably in your chosen location. For me this was one of the biggest factors. I don’t have the space for a cedar wood one and so I had to look into portable sauna. Even then there are lots of options from tents you create with lamps such as those at Sauna Space, to infrared sauna type blankets and portable personal saunas.

b. Quality and Safety: Opt for a sauna made from high-quality materials that are safe and durable. Look for saunas constructed from non-toxic materials such as untreated Canadian Hemlock or Western Red Cedar. Additionally, ensure that the sauna meets safety standards and certifications. With personal saunas you want to look at EMFS, I chose a Therasage personal sauna because they do not have any EMFS and they are the only personal infrared sauna that fits this.

c. Heating Technology: Evaluate the type of heating technology used in the sauna. Carbon and ceramic heaters are commonly used in infrared saunas, with carbon heaters providing a more even distribution of heat. Consider the number of heaters and their placement within the sauna for optimal heat coverage.

d. Control Panel and Features: Check the control panel and user interface of the sauna. Ensure it is easy to use and allows you to adjust temperature, duration, and other settings. Additional features like chromotherapy lighting, sound systems, and smartphone connectivity can enhance your sauna experience. The biggest disadvantage to a portable infrared sauna is that there are no chromotherapy panels, it’s just infrared light. However, if you don’t have the room or budget for a cedar wood one, then that is a compromise you will have to make.

e. Budget: Determine your budget and explore options within that range. Remember that investing in a high-quality sauna is a long-term investment in your health and well-being. Personal ones are less expensive usually around $1,000-$1,500 whereas cedar wood ones usually start at $5,000.

In short, I’m very happy I bought my infrared sauna and highly encourage you to get one too, especially if you have an autoimmune condition.

Check out the one I bought here. (affiliate link)

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