How to tell the difference between cold or allergies? This is a common question that people ask and for many reasons. For those of us who are unfortunate enough to struggle with frequent allergies this […]
5 Great Mobile Applications for Allergies
There are lots of great mobile applications that you can use for allergies. However, it can be difficult to know which ones are really useful and which ones you could do without. Also not all […]
Allergic Girl: Adventures in Living Well with Food Allergies
What is it like to live with severe food allergies? In “Allergic Girl” Sloane Miller shares her experiences as someone who is allergic to tree nuts, salmon, egg plant and many types of fruit. As […]
How to Make Allergy Free Bath Salts
Have you ever tried using bath salts you bought at the store only to get an allergic reaction or rash the next day? This has happened to me several times and so I finally […]
How to Live with a Dairy Allergy Without Being Miserable
Having a dairy allergy can be a real pain. It can seem like everything you like or want to eat has milk in it in some form. So what can you do if you […]