Do you have allergies year round? Do you struggle to stop sneezing? Is your nose stuffy all of the time or almost all of the time? This was me for years and it didn’t seem to matter what I did or what allergy medication I took, my allergies never seemed to go away.

Read more about my allergy story here.

That said, if you have allergies year round, the worst thing to do is to continue popping allergy pills and hoping that someday your allergies will go away. The truth that you won’t hear from most doctors unless you are working with a naturopath, acupuncturist or functional medicine doctor, is that if you have allergies year round, then there is a reason and it usually isn’t just the allergies.

Here are some of the common reasons why you may have allergies year round.

  1. You have hidden food sensitivities (not the same as food allergies) or food allergies that are masking as hayfever or seasonal allergies.
  2. You have candida or recurring yeast infections.
  3. You have parasites.
  4. You have an autoimmune condition that may have year-round allergies as one of the symptoms.

So what can you do about this?

First, you need to find out what is really causing you to have year-round allergies. There are three main ways to accomplish this.

  1. Go see a good naturopath, functional medicine doctor or acupuncturist who specializes in allergies. Warning: Your insurance will not cover it and you will probably have to plan on at least $400 out of pocket. If you can’t afford that right now, I recommend you save up the money and do it when you can and focus on the other two methods for now.
  2. Try an elimination diet. While this can be a major pain and inconvenience, this can be one of the best ways for you to figure out which foods are bothering you and causing your year-round allergies. You can also take my quiz on food sensitivities for some ideas.
  3. Assume that candida is at least part of your problem and do a candida cleanse. I can help you with this if you contact me via my coaching page.

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