While I have a lot of healthy cooking tips I could share with you, there is one healthy cooking tip I’ve found to be the best and a must do in order to succeed with healthy cooking. If you do just this one tip, your life will never be the same. Keep reading to find out more about what it is and why I think it’s the best healthy cooking tip I could possibly give you.
Plan your meals ahead of time. Yes really. This is the number one and most important healthy cooking tip when if followed all the time, will change your life. If you always plan your meals ahead of time, you will never not know what to eat. It will be easier to stick to your meal plan. You will save money on food, and you will avoid impulse eating out or eating things you know are bad for you.
So how exactly do you make sure that you are always able to plan your meals ahead of time?
The most important thing is to have the right tools in your kitchen to make it easier for you to meal plan and prepare food ahead of time and in a quick amount of time.
The first tool you must have is a crockpot. Purchasing a crockpot will pay for itself over and over. You can make endless meals that you make ahead, put on low and forget. I do this at least twice a week. It also makes it so you can make enough food for more than one meal and have leftovers you can heat up and serve within minutes.
Rice Cooker– While the name implies cooking rice, you can also use this to set, forget and cook quinoa or other grains too. This is my favorite way to cook quinoa.
Air Fryer- This is a must have for making things like fries, sweet potato fries, fried chicken without flour, gluten, oils and other additives and more. You can air fry pretty much anything within 30 minutes.
Consider freezer meals- this is another strategy you can use for batch cooking and preparing food ahead of time. I’m not an expert in this but I’m linking to another blog post you should find helpful.
Write down your menu for the week on a Sunday. This is life changing. You can also do it on Saturday but I recommend one of the two weekend days before the start of a new week. I don’t always write down my meals for breakfast but I always write them down for lunch and dinner.
Only go to the grocery store once a week or less. This is a big one. By planning your meals ahead, you won’t need to do this anyway and you will save a lot of time and money.
I know you might be skeptical about whether or not planning your meals head of time is really the best healthy cooking tip I could give you, so I challenge you to try it for one month and see how it goes.

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My Favorite Products (Affiliate links- if you make a purchase I may earn a small commission)
Thrive Market - healthy gluten free, sugar free and speciality online food and household products
Silk and Sonder Monthly Journals and Planners
My Portable Infrared Sauna
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Martie discounted food
Olipop - healthy soda with probiotics and prebiotics
Digestion Kit
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