Do you enjoy camping and hiking? Summer is upon us and camping and hiking are two favorite Summer activities for many people. Did it ever occur to you that there are ways to use essential oils for a more fun and a safer camping and hiking experience? For years, the thought never even occurred to me that using essential oils for camping and hiking can make these activities more pleasurable. Here are some ways you can use essential oils for camping and hiking:
1. Use eucalyptus and lemongrass essential oils to help reduce or avoid bug bites. Have you ever gone hiking or camping and then when you came home you felt like you had been eaten alive by bugs? The chemical deet that is used in a lot of bug sprays is very unhealthy and has been shown to even cause heart problems in some people. There are other studies that have shown that essential oils can be just as effective. My favorite way to apply these oils is to dilute them in some coconut oil and rub the mixture all over my hands, feet, arms and legs. You can also mix the oils into some unscented body lotion and apply as well.
2. Use lavender essential oil to make your own sunscreen and or as an after sun to help reduce the effects of a sunburn. You do still want to be careful though because using lavender does not mean that you can or should expose yourself to direct rays of sunlight for more than a few minutes. You can also mix lavender with aloe vera for soothing relief.
3. Use lavender essential oil to help obtain a calmer and more restful sleep. I don’t know about you, but as much as I love camping, sometimes trying to fall asleep can be tough and lavender can help.
4. Ever go hiking and come home and find random scratches, rashes, and other skin irritations that you have no idea how they got there? Lavender and melaleuca essential oils can provide soothing relief and can help these skin irritations to heal faster.
5. Have you ever accidentally pulled a muscle while hiking? Or maybe you all of a sudden feel a little bit of tension in your knee or leg and you can’t figure out how it got there? You can try rubbing 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil, cypress essential oil or frankincense essential oil on your knee or leg for a cooling sensation and for help to be able to finish your hike.
These are just a few ideas of many. Once you start using essential oils for camping and hiking, you will find many more uses. I’d love to hear how you have used them in the comments below.

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