Traveling with autoimmune disease can be challenging and many times you may want to travel but also want to stay healthy and have fun and you aren’t sure how to do it. As someone who has an autoimmune disease and who loves to travel and travels on a pretty regular basis, here are some tips on how traveling with autoimmune disease and how to travel safely and still enjoy yourself.
First, get realistic about your travel plans. For example, before you had an autoimmune disease you might have been good with a hiking vacation, or a month trip to Europe. However, now you may want to consider a cruise, or a week in Europe instead. In other words, know your limitations and plan your travel based on what you can do and not what you wish you could do.
Second, start planning for your good health before you leave on your trip. I like to get an immune supporting IV at a place like Prime IV wellness and I start taking extra Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Elderberry and Zinc about three days before I leave. If I’m going to be walking a lot more than normal, I start walking more at home.
Third, I plan ahead for meals and snacks. I bring some easy to cary items like protein bars and fruit snacks from home and I research restaurants in the area where I’m traveling that will suit my dietary needs.
Fourth, I bring extra supplements, natural pain products, essential oils and some kind of magnetic or infrared therapy with me. What exactly I bring depends on the length of the trip and whether or not I’m leaving the United States or going on a state side trip.
Fifth, When traveling in an airplane or spending a lot of time in a place with a lot of people close together, I sometimes wear a mask. I’m not a fan of wearing a mask all the time as I don’t think it’s great for the immune system but as someone who has immune challenges I will sometimes still wear one.
Sixth, I try to stick to my healthy at home routines such as sleeping for at least 7 hours, exercising first thing in the morning, eating healthy, avoiding excess sugar and everything else I do at home to maintain good health. I also research where I may be able to use an infrared sauna, go swimming or do other wellness activities.
Seventh, I am realistic about how many museums, plays, castles, and other places I can visit. I avoid trying to overcrowd my days with so many things to do that I risk wearing myself out and getting sick. I find that usually visiting one place for about 4-5 hours or 2 places for 2-3 hours is a good amount.
Eighth, I try to give myself at least two months at home in between trips. This isn’t always possible for me due to work trips and discounts on the places I want to visit but as much as possible, I avoid too many back to back trips or trips where I’m only home for less than two months.
Traveling with an autoimmune disease is possible, you just need to plan ahead and take necessary precautions and you can do it and have a great time and avoid being sick all the time.
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My Favorite Products (Affiliate links- if you make a purchase I may earn a small commission)
Thrive Market - healthy gluten free, sugar free and speciality online food and household products
Silk and Sonder Monthly Journals and Planners
My Portable Infrared Sauna
Self Care Journal
Martie discounted food
Olipop - healthy soda with probiotics and prebiotics
Digestion Kit
Stress Oils