I often get asked about what my favorite Doterra products are and what I use every day and can’t live without. So here is a video talking about my favorite Doterra products and why.

  1. Metapower Advantage Collagen with NMN. The newest product on this list, it’s great for helping with anti-aging and the marine collagen has really helped my knees and is part of a system designed to help you with your metabolic health. While you can buy this separately, I recommend the entire system so let’s talk if you want to work on improving your metabolic health.
  2. Deep blue rub– a must have if you exercise a lot or have tension and stress in your knees, back etc.
  3. Deep blue stick– a must have for knee pain, back pain etc, this one is actually considered an OTC drug. It also can be taken in your carry on luggage while traveling whereas the deep blue rub cannot as it is too large.
  4. Deep Blue Polyphenols– a must have for reducing inflammation in your body, this is another must have in my opinion. This was a staple in helping me with my knee surgery recovery.
  5. Turmeric softgels- These are unique because they have both turmeric the herb and turmeric essential oil in them so you get the benefits of both. You’ve probably heard about the benefits of turmeric with things like golden milk, soups etc, however, this is the best turmeric.
  6. Rose touch- one of the best essential oils for emotional wellness I love to use my rose touch as a perfume and it is always a bonus that it helps with immune health.
  7. Serenity oil and serenity soft gels– A must have for deep restful sleep, my sleep is a lot better since I began using these. If you struggle with sleep, you must try these.
  8. Passion touch– I like to use this as a natural perfume but it’s also really good for helping you to have more passion in your life whatever that means for you.
  9. On Guard Essential Oil blend– one of my secrets for getting sick less often and for having a strong immune system I use it on the bottoms of my feet and in my diffuser all winter long and at other times too.
  10. Breathe essential oil blend– the best for helping with respiratory health and for helping me to survive the inversion in the air outside in Utah.

Buy all the products here or view more details on them.

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