Have you ever considered trying some sensory activities with essential oils with your child? If not, you really should. While essential oils can be used to help your child in a variety of ways, sensory activities with essential oils are another method that many people don’t even consider.
Here are some great sensory activities with essential oils for you to try.
1. Make a play dough and add some essential oils to the dough. Many play dough’s contain gluten though so if you are gluten free, here is a recipe for gluten free play dough.
2. Make some scented bubbles. You can easily make your own by mixing 1/4 cup of unscented dish soap or castille soap, with 3/4 cup of water, and 1 tablespoon of glycerin and then adding in 15-20 drops of an essential oil.
3. Essential oil scented finger paints. You can make these by mixing 2 cups of cold water with one tablespoon of cornstarch. Heat the mixture until it thickens. Then remove from heat and cool. After it’s cooled add in food coloring and essential oils. Then let your child have fun painting.
4. Make a sand play area. Pour sand into a large container and then add in a few drops of essential oils. Let your child play in the sand.
5. Make slime. Then you can easily add a few drops of essential oils to the slime.
6. Make some edible sensory balls with jello and add 1-2 drops of lemon, lime, orange or another internal use essential oil to the mix.
Have you tried any of these? Which one or ones look the most interesting to you?

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