Learn about my favorite things for autoimmune healing and why I like them.
My Favorite Things Transcript
?Hello, this is Anna Laura Brown, host of the Autoimmune Rehab Podcast, where we explore ideas, solutions, and helpful hints to help you in your autoimmune healing journey. We strive to transform your health and inspire helping you so that we can help you with your emotional healing and self-care, and some of your physical healing.
Things like diets, that kind of thing, which you know, you would find on. Podcast on autoimmune wellness. Find all the episodes with show notes@autoimmunerehab.com. And now without any further delay, let’s get started. This episode is sponsored by doTERRA essential Oils and Wellness products. Curious how essential oils can help you boost your immunity and help you sleep better and more.
Go to annalaura brown.com/essential oils. Let’s talk about it and request your free sample.
Hello ladies. This is Anna Laura Brown of autoimmune rehab.com, and welcome to the Autoimmune Rehab Podcast. Today’s episode, I have something that I hope will be a little bit fun for you, and I’m releasing this a little bit more than a week before Christmas. So hopefully, you know, if you haven’t yet submitted your Christmas wishlists, or you know, maybe you’ll be lucky enough to get some Christmas money or Christmas gift cards.
You may. And purchase some of these things, or if not, you can just save these things for later. But I’m calling this episode my favorite things for autoimmune healing. What I’m gonna do over the next probably might take me, uh, 15 to 20 minutes or so, might even be a little bit less than that. I am gonna share with you what I consider to be some of my favorite products and things for autoimmune healing.
And you’ve probably already heard me mention some of these things. And some of these things maybe aren’t necessarily products and they may actually be more or less services, if you will, and some of them. Will be things, um, even though I’m calling for autoimmune healing, I also wanna make sure that I’m really clear that none of these things are guaranteed to be a cure for anything.
So, you know, there’s obviously no magic bullet or magic cure for any kind of an autoimmune condition. And if you have been researching your autoimmune condition or had it long enough or been to enough doctors, or listened to this podcast enough, I’m sure that you are now aware. That there is no such thing as a magic bullet.
So with no further ado, let me get started and start talking with you about my favorite things for autoimmune healing. So I also want to offer the caveat that these things are not in any particular order necessarily. These just happen to be a lot of my favorite things, and this just happens to be the order that I put.
So the first one I wanna talk about that you have heard me talk about before, and I actually did do a podcast episode on this, is different forms of infrared therapy, infrared light therapy, infrared saunas, all that kind of thing. And I really can’t emphasize this enough. And in a lot of ways I have to say that while it’s really hard to have a favorite of your favorite things, this is probably one of them, if not the top one.
And so there’s different forms of, of course, infrared saunas and infrared lights, that kind of thing. And I, for years, had the membership and would go regularly to a place called Restore, which is a US based franchise that has a lot of locations that offer infrared saunas. Therapy and you can go to a location like that where a lot of massages and spas have them, things like that for the infrared sauna.
But obviously if you’re gonna get really serious about your autoimmune healing, you’re probably gonna wanna actually own your own infrared sauna because then you can just get in whenever you want and ideally every day. And so I, on Black Friday specialist a few weeks ago, actually did buy an infrared sauna.
And as of the date that I’m doing this recording, I just barely got it yesterday and it’s amazing. And the infrared sauna that I decided to get is from a company called Ferris Age, and I will link to it in the show notes. And of course we’ll link actually in the show notes to the entire list of favorite things.
And all of these favorite things will have links there that you can find and access them. And. This is a particular portable sauna. Somewhat. I do have to say with the cave that even though it’s marketed as a portable sauna, most of these infrared saunas, by the way, are even marketed as portable.
They’re portable because you can set it up in a room and you can move it around. On your own, unlike, you know, like the cedarwood saunas, like the one that I would going to with Restore You, you know, you can move it around to some degree and it, you can pack it up technically and carry it around in like the car and stuff, as long as you have a room in the car.
But it is still fairly large. But anyhow, it’s like a, basically you’re sitting inside a big sack slash tent thing and you have bamboo wood. Uh, so we call it a, I guess a mat that you put your feet on, and then you also sit on a bamboo chair and there are infrared lights in it and other panels and things.
And you turn on the settings and it heats up within about five, 10 minutes. And so then you wanna sit in it for at least 30 minutes at one time, and you consented for up to an hour. and it just really helps your body sweat out toxins, helps provide some of that infrared therapy, that kind of thing. And so I really highly recommend getting some kind of an infrared sauna.
Like I said, I’ve, so far, I’ve been lo, I’ve only had it a couple days. I’ve been really impressed with this one from Theis age, so that would be at the top of the list of ones that I would recommend. There also are blanket ones out there. There’s also one called Sauna Space. Which is more like a larger tent with infrared lights.
And I did look into that one as well, but it was significantly more expensive. And that’s the other thing is the sage one. I got it on a Black Friday deal, but even without that, it’s only about $1,200, which is pretty inexpensive for infrared saws. So you know, it’s definitely more on the least less expensive side as well.
So like I said, there’s lots and lots of research about infrared saunas for your health, and if you are serious about healing from your autoimmune condition, it’s really something you probably need to look at. Okay, so then along with that, there also are infrared therapy lights and lamps. And like I said, I did a whole episode on this.
I have some YouTube videos on it. I can link below as well. And you know, I have been doing those daily for quite some time because I’ve owned an infrared lamp and an infrared light panel for, I’ve had my infrared lamp for about two years now. I believe I got that on a Black Friday sale about two years ago.
And then I have had an infrared light therapy panel for about a year. I bought it last year at a Black Friday sale. So you can tell, you know, I like to buy things to help with my autoimmune healing on auto on, uh, black Friday, which is, you know, a pretty good time of the year. You can get good deals and discounts to do that.
So anyhow, um, that’s the infrared light and the infrared panels, infrared sauna, that kind of thing. Definitely at the top of my list. Okay. Then the second thing is, you know, should be obvious to you because I have mentioned as a sponsor, Something that I’m really passionate about is educating people about essential oils, and more specifically, I use the brand doTERRA because I believe they are the best as far as their quality, their guaranteed purity, third, third, therapeutic grade quality, that kind of thing.
And if you wanna have a conversation with me about essential oils, reach out, let’s. But anyhow, you know, there’s a lot of different essential oils that you can use that can help support you in your autoimmune healing journey. I’m not gonna discuss essential oils in detail other than just to obviously include them.
As part of this list of favorite things for autoimmune healing. Okay, so then the next thing is something that you’ve probably heard of as a really strong anti-inflammatory, but this is something that seriously, once I started changing as a supplement on a daily basis, it was literally life changing and that’s.
Turmeric and you know, you can make things like turmeric milk, turmeric lattes, turmeric teas, things like that, which are really good. But I actually take turmeric in capsule form, and doTERRA has a turmeric capsule where half the capsule is turmeric essential oil, and half of it is turmeric powder. I like to take that, but then I also like to take the Trader Joe’s turmeric.
Capsules as well, because those are a little less expensive and I need two a day. So typically I take one of each a day and then I get, you know, some of the essential oil and the turmeric powder in me and have found that to be really, really beneficial, especially for my knees and my arthritis, things like that.
So really highly recommend you look into making tumors a part of your diet on a regular basis and impact daily, if at all. Okay, so now let’s get into some of these other things and this next list of products that I’m gonna talk about can all be found on Amazon. And so I will actually link to my Amazon favorite things list in the show notes as well, so that you can access them all in one spot.
So the first thing here is a brand of what’s called Village Naturals, aches and pains, muscle Mineral, bath Soak. And this is, as it applies, it’s an EP and salts with a blend of, I think, ASN to oils and some other things in it that is designed to specifically help you soak in the bath and get relief from some inks and.
And have really, really found that kind of thing helpful. You can also buy, uh, plain fs and salts and then add different essential oils and things to it to help with soaks and that kind of thing. On my favorite place to buy just plain. Uh, EPSOM Salt is actually not Amazon. It’s Walmart. Walmart actually has a really good deal and really brand that’s really good, high quality and less expensive, that kind of thing.
So Epsom salts, or like in this case, it’s the Village Naturals, aches and pains, muscle mineral, bath, salt. Okay. Then the next thing is infrared heat wraps. And on this particular list, I’m hearing during the knee one, just because that’s the one that I have used quite a bit to help me with, you know, with my knee pain, things like that.
And it’s basically just an infrared heat wrap that you wrap around your knee. Um, in this particular case it only comes with one. So unless you wanna be able to do both at once, you would have to buy two and they’re around $70. So, you know, that can be kind of a little more on the pricey side. You may not wanna own two.
Personally, I still only have one and I just rotate. You know, I do one knee for 20 minutes. I do the other knee for 20 minutes. And you can get like a full body infrared wrap. You can also get infrared wraps for your shoulder and neck area. I believe they have ’em for the arms and the wrists. They have ’em for all different parts of the body.
But basically what this does is it helps provide infrared heat therapy directly to a specific part or body and. You can plug it in and wear it at work at your desk, which is what I have done with the infrared heat app wrap, that kind of thing. So, you know, a way to keep that heat on your body when you know you can’t just be sitting in a sauna all day long.
Okay, moving on next on the list. Is a product that’s called the Mor, More Life Diffuser Bracelet for essential oils. And this is a diffuser bracelet that lets you just put a few drops of an essential oil in the bracelet and then you wear it and throughout the day you can smell it and. You can, you know, inhale those essential oils off the bracelet, that kind of thing.
And there’s also more necklaces and things like that. And this is just one brand that I’ll include in the links, but there are, you know, multiple other kinds of brands and things. This just happens to be the one that I bought. Okay. Then the next item might seem a little bit odd that I have this on the list of items of healing from autoimmune conditions of favorite things, but it’s happening in Nintendo Switch and some of the different exercise programs that go with it.
I found that this is one of the better and more fun ways, if you will, to motivate yourself to exercise at home without having to go to the gym. And as I’m sure you’re aware, those of us with autoimmune conditions, generally speaking, need to have ways to be able to exercise at home because we can’t always go to the gym or don’t have the exercise or the energy to do that.
and along with the Nintendo Switch, there are three main exercise products that I recommend. One is the last dance, which basically there’s a new addition that comes out every year. You can also pay $25 a year for the Dance Unlimited, and that’s the one that I have. And I do pay for the Unlimited and really like it, but I also have the Zumba D V D or Zumba program.
And then I also have the Ring Fit Adventure. And so those are the three that I recommend. I also have the Nintendo Switch Sports on my wishlist for Christmas, and so hopefully, you know, maybe I’ll be getting that sometime soon and can try that out. And you know, it seems like that will be something that I may also add to my recommendations.
Then moving on here, the next thing on my list, and this is from the Prevention Company, which is the company that publishes the magazine. Prevention is prevention. Easy healing stretches, fall along routines, guided stretching routines to alleviate pain. Boost energy and feel amazing. And I found this DVD to be really great because a lot of us know that we need to stretch every day.
And again, if you haven’t listened to my episode with Kim Narc on stretching, you really wanna go back and listen to that. And this D V D provides a way for you to walk through and do different stretching exercises and to help improve your life in that way. And the next item is something that a lot of us all know if you have an autoimmune condition that you really need to be tracking things like you’re eating your exercise, your health and wellness, different things like this.
And this is called the Clever Fox Wellness Planner, weekly and Daily Health and Wellness Log Food Journal and meal planner, diary for Coward County Notebook for medical condition tracking, that kind of thing. And so it’s just an overall. Planner and journal for tracking things, and especially if you’re doing any kind of like the autoimmune paleo diet or any kind of a diet with an elimination process, you definitely have to track things and track your symptoms, things like that.
And you can do it in a plain notebook, but. I found having some kind of a wellness planner really works really well, and that’s what this one is. Okay, so then the next thing on the list is something that you may not have ever even occurred to you. I know this didn’t occur to me until, I think, I believe I saw it on Instagram or some, you know, influencer somewhere was showing it off, and then I found it on Amazon is called the uk.
Classic vegan, dairy-free frozen fruit soft syrup maker. And what this basically does is it lets you take any kind of frozen fruit and turn it into ice cream. I personally have had the most success doing it with bananas. I tried, I think it was cherries once or strawberry cherries. I think once.
Didn’t work that well. I know we’ve tried strawberries and strawberries work. Okay. And it does come with some recipes, but it basically is a way for you to avoid eating sugar and still get that sweet tooth by being able to, uh, get, you know, the ice cream by turning just bananas into ice cream. And believe it or not, it really tastes like ice cream.
It’s really amazing. Then the next thing on this list is ADHD called the 5 67 Broadway, a new musical workout. And this is, you know, along the vein of having at-home exercises is A D V D where you can dance and do workouts to Broadway musicals. Numbers and have found that to be really entertaining and helpful as well.
Then the next thing on this list is what’s called the Bent Go Fresh Leakproof Bento style lunchbox, and one of the secrets of course, they’ll know too, sticking with any kind of a healthy living ST style and especially if you have an autoimmune condition. And are limited by where you can eat out is to take your own lunch with you to work or you know, anywhere that you’re going out.
And I found this Bele box to be a really good solution as a lunch box for being able to store, you know, has different compartments for taking, you know, like a sandwich or a salad along with maybe some nuts, fruits, things like that. It definitely is leak proof. I’ve experienced that myself. It’s really great.
I’ve started using that when, you know, taking a lot of my lunches to work. So I found that to be really, really helpful. , and I’ve got a few other things on this list that aren’t necessarily my absolute favorite fraud immune healing. So I’m not really going to address those, but you know, you can check those out.
Then the next thing is what’s called the pancakes cold pack that sticks and stays in place. So another thing that a lot of us do. In addition to the infrared heat, that kind of thing is applying cold to different areas of pain. And the pancakes is basically a little cold pack that’s, you know, a few inches around a diameter.
I think the one that I have is around seven inches in diameter and you can just put it in the freezer and you have to freeze it for a couple hours first, but then after it, you know, has been frozen, you can just stick it to your pain area and it will. Provide cold therapy to that area for I believe, up to a couple hours, so works really, really well.
Then the next product is something that I just stumbled across on Amazon and it wasn’t really even something, it was a problem that I had, and then when I saw the product, I was like, oh, I’ve gotta have this. It’s called the EAs, lotion Applicator for Back and Body, and it has a long handle of, what it lets you do is apply lotions, oils, creams, other things, and it makes it so that you can reach down and be able to put it on.
Hard to reach places like on your back and your muscles and things like that, especially if you’re single like I am. You know, I’m not in a relationship, so I don’t have a partner or husband or anybody to rub that, you know, in those spots on me. You know, you can just put it on the roller and the roller can reach it.
So that’s a really good thing to do. And then I just have two more items on this list, and one of them is the workout lab’s, yoga cards. So these yoga cards, obviously, like it says, have different yoga positions, so you can just flip through the cards and create and engage in your own yoga routine.
And along with that, they also do have cards for Pilates and for other kinds of exercise as well. So you can also, you know, get those. And then last but not least is the Keto CHOC Zero chocolate. And on this list I have specifically 70% Coco. Vegan, dark chocolate, but they have other forms of chocolate.
They also have milk chocolates. If you don’t have a milk allergy and milk sensitivity, you can have milk. But you know, like I said, lots of vegan options, different ones, and really highly recommend them. You can also check them out online just@choczero.com. Um, the, and everything is sugar free, so you know.
You know, I believe xylitol is the sweetener that they use in it, but I find, you know, just one little square to be very satisfying and I found that I don’t really need any more than that. So, it has been really helpful. So anyhow, this concludes the list of my favorite things for autoimmune healing. Um, as far as, well, as far as things go, like I said, I would mention some services.
So also, you know, things of course for you to look into would be things like acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage. You could ask for gift cards or gift certificates for those things. Those are, of course, some will, is my favorite thing of autoimmune healing, if you will. And like I said, Uh, before I do offer free discovery sessions or consultations, so if you wanna talk to me about how I can help you and, you know, see how we could potentially work together, have a brainstorming session, please reach out link for that.
We’ll be in the description for this podcast as well. Take care, have a great rest of your day, and I look forward to learning, sharing with you soon on another episode.

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My Favorite Products (Affiliate links- if you make a purchase I may earn a small commission)
Thrive Market - healthy gluten free, sugar free and speciality online food and household products
Silk and Sonder Monthly Journals and Planners
My Portable Infrared Sauna
Self Care Journal
Martie discounted food
Olipop - healthy soda with probiotics and prebiotics
Digestion Kit
Stress Oils