Have you ever eaten a cucumber salad? When I was younger cucumbers where on the list of vegetables I couldn’t stand to eat. I hated them and I thought they tasted gross. However, as an adult I have learned to love cucumbers and how I love eating cucumber salads on a regular basis and as part of my gluten free diet and lifestyle. Here are the simple instructions on how to make a delicious gluten free cucumber salad.
1. Decide if you want to make your cucumber salad with lettuce or if you want to use cucumbers as the main ingredient. I like my cucumber salads both ways although obviously making a cucumber salad with just cucumbers makes it taste a lot more like cucumber. If you are making your salad for children or for the entire family and you have at least one child who will be eating the salad, I recommend using lettuce and fewer cucumbers. That way if you have a child who really doesn’t like cucumbers or says that they don’t like them you can easily remove them.
2. Chose the other ingredients that you will include in your cucumber salad. Personally I’ve found that adding in other ingredients that have either a sweeter or a salter taste will make the salad more appealing for everyone and especially for children.
3. My favorite ingredients include:
Tomatoes. I like to either slice them thinly or use baby ones.
Avocado. This is a must in my opinion since it adds in a nice creamy flavor and texture.
Humus. Optional but can also add in a creamy flavor.
Feta cheese- or you can try some of the white Daiya dairy free cheese if you can’t have milk products.
Hard boiled eggs- Usually 1 for every serving.
Sliced ham or turkey. Optional but great unless you are vegan or vegetarian and don’t eat meat.
Salt and pepper to taste- again not required but can be great for adding flavor and balancing the slightly sweet savor of the cucumber.
Olive oil- drizzle it on.
4. Decide how many people you are serving with your cucumber salad and then use the amount of each ingredient necessary according to the number of people. If you are using lettuce then I recommend about 1/2 of a cucumber per person. If no lettuce then I recommend 1 full cucumber per person.
Have you ever eaten a cucumber salad? What did you include in your salad? Share below with me in the comments.

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