Have you ever wondered how you can use essential oils for immune health? Then keep reading as I’m going to share with you how I do this and give you some ideas on how you can do it.
First, I use essential oils primarily to strengthen, balance and prevent immune health problems. In other words, I use them to prevent problems not try to solve problems when they do arise. Which for me isn’t very often since I’m very proactive with my health. In fact, I’ve only had to use antibiotics 3 times in the last 30 years by focusing on prevention and using a variety of methods to stay healthy rather than becoming sick frequently.
Second, I use essential oils in a variety of ways to help my body to stay in balance and to have strong immunity. One way I do this is by putting essential oils on the bottoms my feet morning and night. I primarily use the On Guard blend that contains clove, cinnamon, wild orange, eucalyptus and a few other essential oils. I also diffuse essential oils into the air on a regular basis as a good way to avoid the common toxic chemicals too many people use in their homes. Lastly I take a variety of supplements to support my immune health some of which have essential oils in them.
Third, I am always on guard literally and I don’t just mean the name of the essential oil to balance, improve and strengthen my immune health. I am very careful about what I eat and drink. I use an infrared sauna regularly. I do regular chiropractic and acupuncture and I exercise often. In other words, I don’t leave my immune health up to chance and I do everything I can to have a strong, balanced and healthy immune system. Essential oils are just one tool in my toolbox.

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