Case Study Multiple Sclerosis: Autoimmune Healing Stories with Amy Behimer. Listen in as I interview Amy Behimer health coach and MS thriver about her story and journey with multiple sclerosis. Tips and ideas on how to heal and thrive with autoimmune challenges no matter what they might be. We also talk about the importance of healthy habits for autoimmune healing. Multiple Sclerosis can be quite series and life changing. I’ve covered a couple of ther Multiple Scleroris stories and each one is different as no one’s case study multiple scleroris story is the same. Check out my episode on acupuncture and multiple sclerosis here. You can also learn about how to overcome distaters and MS here. Whether you are struggling with MS or another autoimmune challenge or sickness, this episode and the others I have linked here can offer support, and hope that you can live a full life no matter what.
Amy Behimer is a doctor of pharmacy and Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness coach trained in both conventional and lifestyle medicine. She lives with multiple sclerosis and walks her talk on her mission to help people with autoimmune disease take control of their health so they can feel better today and worry less about tomorrow. Amy believes in using science, real-life strategies, and self-insight to support people in living their most full and energized life, autoimmune disease and all. Her expertise is in helping people master the mindset and the skillset to make and break habits in the areas they want most, which starts with assessing energy gains and energy drains in everyday lifestyle choices. These include nutrition, movement, rest & relaxation, incorporation of “good stressors”, positive mindset, and the healing power of connection. She coaches, teaches, and walks people through the steps, using strategies backed by the science of habits and lasting behavior changes.
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