Has it ever occured to you that emotional wellness with essential oils is a great way to improve your emotional wellbeing? If you have an autoimmune disease, then you need to spend us much time, money and effort into taking care of your emotional wellnesss as you do your physical wellness if not more. Listen in as I share some tips on how to use essential oils for your emotional wellness.
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Transcript of Episode
Hello ladies. Welcome again to another episode of the Autoimmune Rehab Podcast. This, of course, is your host, Anna Laura Brown, and today I’m going to be sharing with you what I feel like is a really important topic, and this topic has become more and more important with, you know, us coming out of a pandemic and other things.
People are really, really struggling with their emotional wellbeing and. Their emotional wellness, that kind of thing. And so today what I’m gonna do specifically is talk to you about how essential oils can help with emotional wellbeing. Now, this may or may not be something that you had considered. I know for me, when I first started using essential oils back in around, Uh, 2008, 2009 ish, I was using them more, you know, for my respiratory health, my immune health allergies, things like that.
And it didn’t really occur to me initially how powerful cinch oils can be for your emotional wellbeing. And in the years since, after doing some research, some books after, you know, experimenting with essential oils for emotional wellbeing, I have come to discover that if anything, essential oils are almost more powerful for our emotional well being than they are for our physical well being.
And so that’s what today’s episode is gonna be all about. So I have to always say this as well. A couple of caveats, things to keep in mind. So the first thing, I obviously don’t come from the medical profession, and I don’t have any kind of a science background, so I know that there is a lot of science behind.
How essential oils work with your emotions and your brain and that kind of thing. But we’re not gonna get into, in depth, into the science behind the essential oils because that’s really not something that is my expertise or forte. So instead, I will link to a few resources where you can go find some different reports and things and read up on the science of essential oils if you want to.
I also will include some links to some books about essential oils and emotions and. That kind of thing. The other thing you also wanna keep in mind is that as a doTERRA Wellness Advocate, I use exclusively doTERRA essential oils. In the past, I have used some other brands of essential oils previously, so I have some knowledge and experience with other essential oils.
But I am primarily using doTERRA, which are considered certified therapeutic pure grade, and considered all, almost even a medical grade. There’s a lot of hospitals and doctors that use essential oil. So actually, even when I had knee surgery in March of 2022, my orthopedic surgeon used essential oils before, during, and after my surgery to help me with my recovery.
And so the other caveat to this that you wanna be aware of is that if you find just, you know, like cheap essential oils on Amazon or at Walmart, you’re not gonna get the same. That you will with an actual therapeutic medical grade, essential oil. And then the other thing to be aware of is that some of my favorite essential oils, and some of the ones that I will probably mention on this podcast are specific blends that are unique and proprietary to doTERRA.
So you won’t find them anywhere else. So if you want to have a conversation with me about essential oils or learn more about any of the essential oils that I’m gonna be talking about, please reach out. I will have the link to my doTERRA site as well as a way to get in touch with me. In the description of this podcast.
But anyhow, Mysite is Discover Oils now.com. Again, that’s Discover oils now.com, and then you can apply for a free consultation and we can talk about essential oils or other things@annalaurabrown.com slash application. Again, that’s anna laura brown.com/application and we will, of course, like I said, have the link in the shell notes.
So the first thing that I want to talk about is to make you aware that there are different oils and different blends that can help with different emotions. And when I first sometimes start talking to people about how essential oils can be used for emotional wellbeing, a lot of times people get a little confused and are a little bit like, what Really?
But when you really think about it, this is pretty. Things. So there’s a couple of aspects to this to consider. So one is a lot of us, when we’re really young, you know, we grew up around different kinds of smells and we start to associate different smells with different memories. And you know, even when I look back to before I used essential oils, I was actually in a business where I sold candles for six years before that.
And a lot of times people would like to buy or would really enjoy the smell of certain kinds of candles, simply based on a memory that they have. From, you know, something that happened as a childhood, a positive experience, you know, just something that they, some kind of feeling that they get when they get that smell.
And so a lot of us, even if we maybe aren’t used to the concepts of essential oils and aromatherapy for emotional well being, we may. Definitely be used to the idea that certain smells will invoke certain memories or certain kinds of feelings and things like that. And the other thing to keep in mind is that nearly every kind of a physical element that you have kind of has also somewhat of an emotional component to it as well.
And so it just makes sense that just like essential oils are really good for, uh, different aspects of your physical wellbeing, that they can be really good for your emotional wellbeing as well. So first, there are a couple of different steps and things that you want to take, things that you want to consider when it comes to using essential oils for your emotional wellbeing.
So the first thing is you wanna determine what actual emotion you are feeling, and or what emotion you want to feel? So, for example, you could be feeling, let’s say, a little bit sad because you know something’s going on in your life that’s causing that. Or maybe you’re very, very sad. Something drastic happened like you had a pet that died or somebody in your family or friend died and you’re really struggling with the grief and that kind of thing, and you’re really needing something to support more that grief and that consolation that kind of thing.
Or you know, maybe you are. You know, feeling a lack of desire and a lack of motivation to get busy and get going and do some of the things in life that you know you need to do, and you want something to help you get a little bit more motivated. You know? Or maybe you’re just struggling with, you know, a lot of the negative things that are going on in the world today, and the news and that kind of thing, and you really feel like you could use a little more peace and you’d like an essential oil to help support that.
So the very first thing you wanna think about when it comes to using essential oils for your emotions and emotional wellbeing is to really own and acknowledge what the emotions are that you were feeling, and what kind of an emotion or feeling you want to have. And one thing that can really help with this, and this is a resource that I will actually also link in the Shell loans as well, is that you don’t get this from doTERRA.
You can get it from different essential oil supply places, or they’re probably your websites online that have it as well. There’s what’s called an emotion of essential oil wheel, and this wheel, I have a physical copy of it, and on one side it’s yellow and there are different positive emotions that are listed and affiliated within an oil that can help you increase and have more of that positive emotion.
And then on the backside, the wheel is blue and lists different negative emotions and lists different essential oils that can help to support and help you to change that emotion. So an example of one that could be negative would be like if you’re really struggling as well. Say like forgiving somebody so somebody did something to you and you know you need to forgive that person, but you’re having, or that situation, but you’re having a really hard time with it.
doTERRA has a specific essential oil blend called Forgive that can help support that emotion and that desire to forgive, help make it easier for you to forgive and help you to harbor less anger and resentment over that situ. You know, obviously isn’t gonna make everything go away immediately, but one of the biggest things with that blend of the study that comes to mind is there was a psychologist that worked with doTERRA to do a study, and she had a.
Diffuser and she diffused forgive in her office every day for a couple weeks and asked different patients to describe to her the emotions they felt both before they experienced coming to our office and smelling the forgive and after. And she found a drastic increase in the number of patients who said that they felt more calm and at peace, and they felt like they had more forgiveness and less.
So these are, you know, real life examples of what essential oils can do for you. Um, and another good example would be the Serenity Blend, which contains things like la vidder and margarine and things to help you sleep at night. Well, those essential oils are also known to help with the emotions of helping you have more peace, more calm, more serenity in your life.
And one of the common reasons why a lot of people. Sleep or don’t sleep as well at night is because they’re struggling with a lack of peace and calm or, you know, they have thoughts in their mind that make it really hard for them to focus and get to sleep. And so that’s a good practical example of how emotional wellbeing can affect your physical wellbeing with your sleep.
So once you determine, like I said, what emotion or emotions you’re feeling and what you want to change, or what you want an essential oil to do for you. Then you can focus on finding either one or two essential oils or a blend to help assist with that. And when it comes to emotional wellbeing and essential oils, the two main ways that I recommend that you.
Use the essential oils to help with that, or by putting it on the bottoms of your wrists, I mean, or rubbing it on your wrists and then just smelling it and inhaling it. Or you can also do something like get a piece of an essential oil jewelry, like a necklace or a wrist. Band that has a thing where a little piece of belt or something in it that you can put a few drops of essential oil in and then smell it, or there are also clay necklaces out there as well that you can get, that you can.
It will absorb a few drops of the essential oil that you can wear around your neck and then smell it from time to time. Or diffusing. So those are really the ways that you’re gonna use essential oils to help with your emotional wellbeing is to just either have it on your body and wear it a little bit so that you can always smell it throughout the day or put it into a diffuser and diffuse it into your environment and, you know, ideally just keep refilling the water and putting more oil in and you know, just keep going that way.
And a couple of other things to consider is that you wanna avoid trying to focus on helping to support more than, I would say, two emotions at one time. So, you know, let’s say you’re feeling, you know, a little bit sad down, you’re also angry, you’re also, you know, Unmotivated, different things like that. You, it might be really difficult for you to use essential oils to try to help support all those emotions at once.
So you wanna try to pick the one emotion that is the most dominant in your life and the one that you feel like you need the most help with. And then work on using an essential oil to help you support that emotion. And then, you know, maybe after a few hours we move on to. But you don’t wanna overload yourself with trying to help use the essential oils to support too many emotions at once.
Okay, so then the other thing you also wanna think about is that the essential oils are categorized in different kinds of essential oils. And depending on the kind of essential oil that you’re referring to, that will help determine which emotion it is the best for. So for example, citruses and citrus oils.
Are used primarily for a lot of the emotions around motivation. Um, desire to actually achieve more, to have more in your life, as well as things like cheerfulness and uplifting your mood. That kind of thing is what citruses are for. And if you think about it, if you cut open a fresh grapefruit, be and just smell it or you know, you smell an orange smell lemon and that kind of thing, it automatically gives you this.
Of a little bit more of energy boosting and invigoration and cheerfulness and that kind of thing. So in general, that is the real strength of the citrus family of essential oils. And the next category is the mints. Now mints, essential oils, mint can also be used for motivating and uplifting as well. The mints are also known for peace and calming, for example.
So like the Peace and the doTERRA has a mint in it. And so do several of the calming blends, so different emotions around feeling more peace and calming. A lot of them will have a mint component to them. Same with, you know, like, uh, any blends that are used for cooling of the body, that kind of thing.
Okay. And then flour essential oils a lot of times are used for more sleep as well as console and comfort. So for example, there’s a console blend that doTERRA has that can be used to help with grief and things like that. And the actual console blend didn’t exist when my grandpa died. But then when my grandma died just under a year later, we actually did have the console blend.
And I have to tell you, when my grandpa died, I started using, you know, a different kind of blend that was circulating around to help with the console. It wasn’t the official console blend, cuz Xterra hadn’t come out with it yet. And I have to tell you that between, you know, using that made up blend and then the console blend when my grandma died, Almo.
Like I said, almost a year later, I was super close to my grandparents. These were my maternal grandparents and I still miss them a lot. I have to tell you. Just smelling that oil definitely did help with the consolation of the peace and some of the relief from the grief and things like that. Of course, it never took it away completely.
And you know, this was, we’re going on. Oh my goodness. Uh, let’s see. My, so my grandma died in 2015 and this is 2022. So seven and a half years since my grandma’s been gone in eight and a half years since my grandpa’s been gone. And while I still miss them, you know, whenever I feel, start to feel just a little bit sad about the situation, using one of these blends and these oils can really help.
Okay. And then you also have the category of herbs and trees. So herbs and trees are used to promote a lot of the feelings of like, forgive. And grounding and that kind of thing. And so some of my two favorite other blends are the Forgive Blend and a Balance blend. And both of these have primarily essential oils from herbs and trees in them.
Uh, the Grounding Blend specifically smells very much like an earthy type grounding blend. It’s also designed canola’s balance canola, meaning it’s designed to help you have more balance and. You know, control over your life, if you will. So once you know this and you take into account the different characteristics of the different kinds of categories of essential oils, then you can decide, you know, do you wanna use just one primary essential oil?
Do you wanna actually use a blend? Do you maybe wanna combine a few to create your own blend? Because you can do that as well. You know, just take a few drops of each one of them, or, you know, make a roller bottle where. Put maybe 10 to 20 drops of some of the oils and then put in different, um, carrier oils like, uh, fractionated coconut oil or a, uh, avocado oil, jiva oil, different things like that, and make an actual roller bottle to roll on.
So there’s a couple different ways to do it, but you know, knowing these characteristics of these essential oils can really help you to determine which one. Works best, and the other option you have is always to just take the lids off of a few bottles and just smell ’em. Just stick your nose in and see which oil or oils really calls to you because your body really, at the end of the day, knows which oils you need and which ones you can benefit from.
And so last but not least, the thing to think about is that oils help change the chemistry in your brain that causes different emotions, and so that at the end of the day they’re really short and skinny on how since oils help with emotional wellbeing and why they can help with your emotions.
And so I hope that you found some of this information useful. Like I said, this is not a super detailed scientific explanation. Uh, at some point I might find a guest to come on my podcast that will do that, but for the time being, like I said, I’ll include a few links on the science of essential oils in the description and.
If you have any questions about essential oils and wellbeing, please feel free to reach out. I’m always here for consultation. The consultation is free, so you know, there’s no harm in asking. And if you’ve enjoyed and found this information helpful, please share this podcast with other people. Please go and leave me a.
Review on iTunes and take care. And I look forward to hearing from you soon and being able to continue to share in some of the different things that can help you on your journey to autoimmune healing. And of course, you can check out this episode online. On the website, or listen to my other episodes@autoimmunerehab.com.

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