Do you struggle with knee pain? A lot of people do and this was me on a non stop basis until I had surgery and did Platelet Rich Plasma injections. While I still have some knee pain and long term I will need to do stem cells, I have found that doing knee pain relief exercises have helped me a lot. So if you have knee pain, keep reading to learn about knee pain relief exercises that you can do everyday to help reduce your knee pain. 

  1. Stretching- This sounds really basic and it is when you think about it. However, too often we don’t stretch often enough. I know this was me before my surgery. In fact one of the first things my orthopedic surgeon said to my mom while I was still out and right after my surgery is that he can tell I wasn’t stretching and moving enough. I personally have started stretching for a few minutes in the morning right after I get up, at night before going to bed and every hour throughout the day. If you work a desk job like I do, it can be tough, however, one advantage to an oura ring is that it will alert you to move every hour. If you don’t have one of these and don’t want to get one, then you can set an alarm on your phone to remind you if necessary. I just get up and move and stretch my knees and bend my body in a few positions for about 5 minutes. It’s not a long or complicated process but it really helps and I notice a big difference in my knees when I do it. 
  2. Yoga– If you are really struggling with knee pain, then you probably are thinking that I’m crazy to even suggest it. However, it really can help a lot and you don’t have to be able to do all of the yoga poses. In fact, I go to yoga at my gym a few times per month and I can’t do all the poses but I do my best and it definitely helps. You can also get yoga cards from Amazon and do the moves and poses yourself at home. I’ve also found that wearing a set of my knee wraps helps me be able to get down on my knees and do some of the poses without too much pain.
  3. Walking- yes really. Too many of us don’t walk enough and this causes a lot of health issues and not just knee pain. I have a goal of walking or moving a minimum of 6,000 steps daily not including swimming or other exercise that I may do within the course of the day. 
  4. Moving every hour- I already mentioned this in number one about stretching but even if you don’t stretch every hour, at least moving your body every hour can be an effective form of knee pain relief exercise. I have a small foot bike underneath my desk I can also use to make myself move my knees on a regular basis. You can also just stand up and take a few steps. 
  5. Swimming or hot tub and moving your legs in the water. This is huge. I didn’t realize until I started doing it how helpful it is for me to go swimming. I do it at least twice a week and sometimes more often. Then I usually will sit in the hot tub for about 10 minutes after and it is amazing how much better my knees and legs feel afterwards. I usually spend at least half of my time in the water walking in the pool to move my legs in water rather than actually swimming the entire time.
  6. Bike Riding- Riding a bike is another great knee pain relief exercise. The movement in your knees that is created when you ride a bike makes it one of the best knee pain relief exercises along with swimming. I’ve found that having a stationary bike or using one at a gym is the best. Riding a regular bike can be harder on the knees although it is still a good form of exercise. 

Want help improving your movement and other aspects of your health and wellbeing?

Let’s talk. I offer a free strategy session. 

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