Have you ever been to the doctor and been told that your health problems are all in your head? Most of us who have any kind of autoimmune condition have heard that at least once. When a doctor says this they usually mean that you must just be imagining your health issues. That is to say they don’t believe you actually have a legitimate condition. However, there are some reasons why your health problems might actually be in your head. (No, I don’t mean you are making them up or imagining them, of course. )

The number one reason why your health problems might be in your head is that there is a lot of evidence that your gut health and brain health are connected. If you need an introduction to this concept, I recommend checking out the book Eat Dirt: Why Leaky Gut May Be the Root Cause of Your Health Problems and 5 Surprising Steps to Cure It There are also literally dozens of books that talk about how leaky gut (digestive issues) and your brain health are connected. In other words, if you have health problems there is very likely a connection between your head and your other health challenges.

Second, mental health and emotional wellness challenges can also cause physical illness. This is one reason why self care is so important. If you neglect your self care and emotional well being for too long, you can end up with autoimmune and other illnesses.

Third actual head issues including head aches can be connected to your digestive health. If you have a lot of headaches or migraines, chances are good that your gut health isn’t as good as it should be.

I wrote another article about how sometimes your autoimmune issues may in fact be food sensitivities or intolerances.

In short, if you are having health issues and your doctor isn’t figuring it out right away, there are multiple factors for you to consider and yes making sure your head is in the right place is one of them.

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