Learn about 5 Hashimoto’s myths I no longer believe. Discover why these things that people often believe about Hashimotos are harmful to your health and why you really must not believe them if you want to experience true health and healing from Hashimotos or other thyroid diseases.
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Podcast Transcript
?Hello, ladies. This is Anna Laura Brown of the Autoimmune Rehab podcast autoimmunerehab.com, and today I am going to share with you about five hashimoto’s myths that I have either heard, or in some cases they may be missed that I used to believe until I was corrected. Found new information, that kind of thing.
And along with those myths, I wanna share with you why those myths can be hazardous to your health and your healing journey from Hashimotos. Or I’ll point out, you know, if you’re listening to this and maybe you just have hyperthyroidism or Graves disease or maybe some other autoimmune condition, these myths can still hold Drew in many respects to that as well.
So I want you to listen with an open mind and think about how these hashimoto’s myths may either be impacting your healing journey, impacting your thought process, or other things like that. And there are a lot of reasons why these myths exist, why people believe these myths. but at the end of the day, they really are just myths and can you know if you really believe them cause some serious damage to your health.
Okay, so myth number one is that the Hashimoto’s only affects your thyroid. Oh boy. This could be nothing further from the truth. And unfortunately, this is a myth that is often spread via the medical community. A lot of doctors, including even endocrinologists and specialists who focus only on the endocrinology system, have a tendency to believe.
Unfortunately, to your detriment and to the detriment of a lot of other patients and other people, the hashimotos only affects your thyroid. And I’m not really sure why they were taught this in medical school or why they believe this, but it just really simply isn’t true. In fact, there are more and more studies and research coming out now that will point out that one of the other main organs that is severely affected by.
Hashi modals or Bth thyroid issues is your adrenal gland. And so a lot of us have what’s known as adrenal fatigue, if we also have hash modals, and that’s really a topic for another day in another podcast. But the point is that that is one of the reasons why a lot of us can be really tired. When we have thyroid issues, and I’ve actually even heard from some people say that sometimes even addressing it and focusing on healing, the adrenal glands can actually then in turn heal the thyroid.
So that’s one other organ that’s affected. However, there are other organs and things throughout the body that can be definitely affected. And one example of this to demonstrate this is. The science and technology behind stem cells. So personally, as of the date of this recording, I’m about six months out from having had what’s called a double orthopedic washout, which means basically the orthopedic goes in and does surgery on your knees to correct, you know, your arthritis, try to fix damage to your knees, that kind of thing.
Cause I was in very severe chronic knee pain earlier this year, and I actually even ended up in the ER over the whole thing. And so you know, I had to have that surgery. And then also that I’m lucky enough that I work with an orthopedic that offers stem cells and also what’s called pure, um, no platelet.
Prp or platelet, um, it’s basically blood platelet shots that they give you. So they draw your blood platelets and then they give you the plasma shots. And I had those about two months after my surgery. And I’m looking at doing stem cells and. , the orthopedic that I was talking to about the stem cell process says that he has had clients that have had hashimoto’s and other autoimmune dis disorders completely go into remission and get off all their medication after they did stem cells, and yet they didn’t put the stem cells, you know, in most cases in their neck or their thyroid area.
They put the stem cells like in their knees or their shoulder or their back, or other parts of their body, but the stem cells went in and completely helped to regenerate other parts of their body. So if that’s not some evidence or proof right there, the hashimoto’s definitely affects a lot more than just your thyroid.
I’m not sure what it is, but. You know, the reality is that I know this is a myth that a lot of people believe. This is a myth that I used to believe. I really wasn’t properly educated in the beginning about the fact that Hashi modals can and does affect a lot more than your thyroid. And had I known this probably would’ve changed my entire approach to how I started my healing journey in the beginning.
Okay, so that’s myth number one. Myth number two is you don’t need to go gluten free because it’s not celiac disease. So a lot of people associate going gluten free with celiac disease or with some kind of a fad, or if you have a really severe allergic reaction to wheat, barley, you know, gluten, that kind of thing.
And they don’t even consider going gluten free for other autoimmune conditions. Well, the reality is that if you have an autoimmune condition, you can definitely benefit from going gluten free. And in some cases you may have to in order to completely heal from your Hashimoto’s. It is also true that some people who have Hashimoto’s also have celiac disease.
So I always tell people it’s a good idea to get tested for celiac disease before you go gluten free. Personally, I didn’t do this and I’m really wishing I had, because I do kind of suspect that maybe I’ve got Celiac, but it’s not something that can be tested now because I’ve been gluten free for like eight and a half years now about, and.
You know, I would have to go eat a ton of gluten and keep it in my system for a while before I could get tested. And that’s just not something I wanna do. It just makes me too sick. So that said, um, gluten is very highly inflammatory and can really have a negative impact on the gut health of a lot of us and our stomach and digestion and things like that.
And even if you think it is, it maybe. Causing you too much damage, you may be surprised at how much damage it is causing you. And so personally, I am of the opinion that everybody who has any kind of an autoimmune condition needs to at least try going gluten-free for at least a year. And you know, you may have to do it long term, and if you do every gluten again, You know, and you feel like you can tolerate it.
Probably the only sources of gluten you really should have would be like sourdough bread because it’s fermented or a hundred percent organic wheat where you know, it hasn’t been sprayed with the glyphosate and things like that. So no, going gluten-free isn’t only a fad. It’s not only for people that are doing things like the keto or paleo diet, and it’s not only for celiac disease.
Gluten really as a whole is highly anti-inflammatory and really not good for a lot of people, and it’s especially not good for anybody with any kind of autoimmune condition. . So you know, I mean, I realize you may wanna try to challenge me on that, but no, I’m sticking my ground on that one. And if you have doubts about it and want me to send you some more resources as some proof, I can definitely find some and send some to you or you know, if you are in need of help going gluten free, I offer that as one of the things in my health coaching, so you can reach out to me and we can discuss that too.
Okay, number three, myth number three. You could just take medication and everything will be fine. Oh boy. This one really gets my gold, if you will, almost more than a lot of these other myths. And this is also, again, perpetrated by a lot in the medical community because they just, you know, Western doctors, no offense, but a lot of them are trained to believe that they can just give you a pill for this and appeal for that.
And this is no different from Hashimoto’s. So they think they could just give you medication and everything will be okay. You don’t have to worry about it. , uh, you know, anything else, just take a pill and everything will go away. Well, this couldn’t be further from the truth, and in fact, my personal experience was that.
Even the medication, and I’m currently on liver thine, would love to get off it eventually, but we’ll see how that goes. That medication alone didn’t really even help with my T3 and T4 levels, let alone my thyroid antibodies. It was only once I started taking a specialized thyroid supplement that I actually had normal T3 and T4 levels.
So it’s, you know, the medication definitely can help. And if you feel like you need it and or, or if the doctor’s recommending it, you know, I would say take the thyroid medication for the time that you need it, but just realize that that’s only gonna be one very small piece of your journey to healing with Hashimotos.
Okay? Number four, you may eventually lose your thyroid and it won’t be big. boy, this is another one that really, really bothers me, and this goes back again, I think it’s related somewhat to number one, Hashi. MOS only affects your thyroid. So a lot of the doctors that say this, it’s because they don’t believe or have not been properly educated and don’t realize that it’s not just your thyroid that is affected by Hashi modals.
So it is gonna be a big deal if you lose your thyroid because it can and will impact other areas in other parts of your body. It’s not like you can just lose your thyroid, take medication forever, and you know, it’s only the thyroid hormones that they’re replacing that are causing damage or causing a problem.
There’s a lot more to it than that. And so you really do not wanna lose your thyroid. In fact, I strongly recommend you do everything in your power to not lose it. And in some cases, even if you don’t have severe, you know, like knee issues or things like that, you may even wanna look into, based on the research I’ve done, stem cells to potentially avoid losing your thyroid.
That could potentially even be a solution if you’re getting to the point where you. , you know, that’s something that’s being discussed currently. Fortunately, I feel like my hash moles are in enough remission that that’s not gonna be on the table for me at least. I hope it’s not gonna be, and I’m probably not looking to do stem cells for about another year and a half as of the date of this recording.
But if I get to a situation where my thyroid is at risk, I probably. Speed up the timetable on doing stem cells in order to make sure that doesn’t happen. Okay. Number five, the root cause doesn’t matter. And this is another thing that drives me nuts and a lot of this comes from, you know, just the mindset again, in Western medicine of, well appeal for this, appeal for that whatever.
You know, they don’t really dig down deep and worry about, or even focus on the root cause behind any of your illnesses. s and really a lot of other autoimmune conditions too. You really need to try to figure out why you’re sick, why you have that condit. In order to be able to heal from ’em, because there are a lot of different treatments and solutions based on why you actually have it.
So for example, there are a lot of really common infections that people can get that can actually lead to the development of hashing, modals or other autoimmune conditions. Things such as the Epstein barr virus. and other kinds of things, and you really need to get to the cause of, did you have one of those viruses?
Do you still have it? You know, what’s going on with your poop, your gut health? Did you have some kind of trauma in your life that caused it? Is there more of an emotional cause? You know, lots of different causes and a lot of times people may have one, two, or three different causes, and I’m at the point where I’m not sure I still understand all the causes and reasons behind why I got it, but.
You know, it, uh, trying to at least figure out some of that definitely can help a lot because once you know the why, it can be a little easier to find the solution. So sitting there and saying that the root cause doesn’t matter. Oh, well, it’s not a big deal. Drives me absolutely nuts. , it definitely is a big deal and you shouldn’t just ignore, you know, the root cause and say, oh, well it doesn’t really matter why I got it.
I got it. Let’s try to see if we can fix it. Because fixing it is going to be a lot easier if and when you know the why behind it. So anyhow, let me repeat to you now back these five. Number one, Hashimotos only affects your thyroid. Number two, you don’t need to go gluten free because it’s not celiac disease.
Number three, you can just take medication and everything will be fine. Number four, you may eventually lose your thyroid and it won’t be a big deal. Number five, the root cause doesn’t matter. So hopefully you found this information helpful. Like I said, if you would like some assistance and help from me, you will find a link to my three month health coaching program as well as my website so you can contact me.
I also will find, post a lot of useful information on Instagram so you can post. Follow me over on Instagram at autoimmunerehab. I would love to hear from you.
Would also appreciate a review on iTunes if you found this information helpful. And take care until next time, and we will talk to you soon.

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