How do you heal your thyroid naturally? It is hard, I’m not going to pretend that it isn’t. However, it can be done. Here are 15 things I must do every month for my thyroid health and to heal my thyroid naturally. That said I am for the time being on thyroid medication and working on getting off of it as soon as my doctor says it is safe to do so.
- Massage- I get at least one massage monthly. Sometimes I do two massages if I think they are necessary. I’m on a budget while I work on paying off my student loans so I go to a massage school and get massages from students. It works really well for me and the students do a great job at a discount. If you can afford it, you should consider finding a regular professional and getting different kinds of massages. However, getting them from students is what works for me right now. This gives me self care time and requires me to relax.
- Chiropractic- Even though I no longer have back pain or anything other than knee pain on a regular basis, I go to my chiropractor once a month and sometimes twice a month for maintenance. It also helps my immune health and I stay healthier because of it. Some chiropractors can also help with lab tests and natural thyroid healing help. They can’t actually do the labs of course, since they cannot draw blood but you can get advice from them and go to a separate lab for the blood drawing.
- Acupuncture– I do this monthly as well and sometimes I might go twice. It really helps with my energy levels, with my menstrual health and I think with my thyroid as well. If you can afford it finding an acupuncturist to work with you one on one on a more regular basis is a good idea. Currently that is not in my budget, so I go to community acupuncture monthly.
- Infrared sauna- I’ve been going at least twice monthly and sometimes weekly for 3 years now and it has really helped me. I wrote a blog post about my experiences with an infrared sauna here. I’d love to buy my own one day but for now I have to wait.
- 1 Relaxing Stress Free Weekend- This is another must. Thyroid issues as well as all autoimmune disorders get worse if you have a lot of stress. Taking at least one weekend to relax and be stress free helps me a lot.
- Dark Sugar Free Chocolate- Dark chocolate is really good for you. However, sugar is bad so I enjoy a few bars per month of sugar free dark chocolate. Lillys and Thrive Market are two of my favorite brands.
- Swimming- I try to go swimming more like two times per weekly. Especially since I started having knee problems that led to surgery in March of 2022.
- Spend at least 3 Hours Daily With No Screens- This one is more of the more challenging ones for me. However, I think it’s the most important as we all spend too much time in front of screens these days. I work all day on a computer, so I have to plan to avoid screens in the morning, after work for at least an hour and on weekends. I spend the time reading, walking, swimming, chrochet, doing adult coloring, journaling, adult sticker books and puzzle books.
- Exercise at least 6 days per week- This is huge. Even if you are tired, you must exercise and move your body. It isn’t only about weight, it’s also about the benefits that movement have for your thyroid and your body.
- Eat out one time or less- Eating out isn’t great for anyone. When you have a thyroid problem, it is even worse especially since avoiding gluten and dairy and sugar as well as other inflammatory foods is very difficult when eating out. I’m very picky out where I eat out and I do it once a month or less.
- 90% of Meals are Made from 1 Ingredient Foods- These means that I make most of my foods from scratch. I avoid packaged and canned foods unless it’s something like refried beans, canned pineapple in the juice, quinoa, or brown rice pasta.
- No Sugar- I avoid sugar as much as possible. I cook with coconut sugar, stevia or honey instead and read labels and avoid anything with sugar.
- Red Light Therapy- This is a great way to reduce inflammation and pain in a targeted area of the body. I do it almost every day and I place the red light machine so that is shines on my thyroid. I used to have pain coming from my neck area on a regular basis. Now I can’t even remember that last time I had any pain in that area.
- Meditation- I’m working on meditating more often. Currently a do it a few times per week and would like to do it daily. I use a variety of apps or a special meditation machine I have that I turn on and it plays a 7-10 minute meditation.
- Journaling- This really helps to reduce stress and to get out on paper anything I think I need to. Plus it also helps with planning and memories.
Check out my thyroid health calendar.

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My Favorite Products (Affiliate links- if you make a purchase I may earn a small commission)
Thrive Market - healthy gluten free, sugar free and speciality online food and household products
Silk and Sonder Monthly Journals and Planners
My Portable Infrared Sauna
Self Care Journal
Martie discounted food
Olipop - healthy soda with probiotics and prebiotics
Digestion Kit
Stress Oils