- Decide to be happy. Yes it really can be that simple.
- Set goals.
- Create something to look forward to.
- Play with a dog.
- Play with a baby or small child.
- Listen to and even dance to some get happy music.
- Use citrus essential oils to improve your mood. You can diffuse them or inhale from the bottle or even put 1-2 drops on your wrist.
- Call a friend and chat.
- Give yourself a social media break.
- Listen to an uplifting audio talk or book.
- Read an uplifting book.
- Return to childhood by playing with a childhood toy.
- Eat some chocolate. Yes really this can boost your mood.
- Blow bubbles.
- Watch a funny movie or TV show. (Mister Ed is one of my favorites)
- Watch a funny youtube video.
- Get therapy if you need it.
- Burn a nice smelling candle.
- Give yourself a spa day.
- Read a happiness blog.
- Go to a comedy play.
- Go to a comedy movie.
- Write a list of things you are grateful for.
- Keep a happiness journal.
- Get a facial
- Play with silly string.
- Play with a yo-yo.
- Play a musical instrument.
- Sing.
- Find a place to do karoke.
- Find a friend or two to play a game with.
- Go for a walk and enjoy nature.
- Listen to some music of birds chirping and other sounds of nature.
- Mediate.
- Go to the library and browse the children’s section.
- Try hula hooping.
- Find a party to go to.
- Go swimming.
- Find a service to perform for someone.
- If it’s the right season, find some leaves to rake and then jump in the piles.
- Go horseback riding.
- Stop watching the news. Seriously. It’s 99% negative.
- Start reading happy news.
- Find a beach to visit or a lake to walk around.
- Find a waterfall to enjoy.
- Eat some ice cream
- Find a joke book to read. Even better yet share some jokes with a friend.
- Write a letter to someone who you haven’t written to in awhile.
- Find a flower garden to visit and enjoy.
- Try out the perfume samples at a department store.
- Do some window shopping but make sure it’s only window shopping.
- Pray.
- Make a list of all the free and fun things you can find to do in your town then make a plan to do them.
- Go to Costco or another store and try all the free samples.
- Look through old photos.
- Volunteer at your local animal shelter.
- Go for a bike ride.
- Go to an art museum and admire the talent of the artists.
- Offer to babysit some kids and have fun with them.
- Keep a long term perspective on life.
- Work on a puzzle.
- Read a gossip or celebrity magazine and be grateful for all the problems you don’t have.
- Make a bath bomb or use one you bought at the store and take a nice long relaxing bath.
- Cook.
- Plant a tree.
- Plan a vacation.
- Watch travel videos.
- Clean your house or at least 1-2 rooms.
- Organize your closet or other living space.
- Visit a senior center and visit with the residents.
- Find a lonely or elderly neighbor to visit.
- Get a manicure or give yourself one.
- Visit a zoo and enjoy seeing the animals.
- Go camping.
- Watch an older classic Disney movie.
- Go snowshoeing if you live where there is snow.
- Watch the sunrise or sunset.
- Feed the ducks.
- Go canoeing.
- Go to a magic show.
- Go to an outdoors music concert.
- Create a scavenger hunt to go on with some friends or find an already existing one to participate in.
- Find someone who is lonely and who needs a friend and befriend that person.
- If the season is appropriate-find a way to make a camp fire, if not, light a fire in your fireplace to enjoy.
- Cuddle. With a person, animal living or stuffed. Just cuddle.
- Sing in the rain.
- Draw or doodle.
- Find ways to laugh.
- Just smile. Yes really it can be that simple.
- Take a dog for a walk.
- Find a new class or experience to try. Searching Groupon can be the best way to do this.
- Play the harmonica. You can find instructions and music online or just play it for the fun of it.
- Play with a fidget spinner.
- Get grounded.
- Dress up like a clown and find some people to entertain.
- Juggle.
- Read some scriptures or other spiritual focused reading.
- Try Yoga or Pilates.
- Go to a costume store and try on the costumes and take pictures.
- Watch cat videos or dog videos.
- Smell the flowers. Literally.
Which one of these ways to increase your happiness is your favorite? Let me know in the comments.

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My Favorite Products (Affiliate links- if you make a purchase I may earn a small commission)
Thrive Market - healthy gluten free, sugar free and speciality online food and household products
Silk and Sonder Monthly Journals and Planners
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