Does healthy eating on a budget seem impossible? I know it can at times and it’s even more challenging when you have to be gluten free, dairy free and even in some cases nut free or eliminate other foods from your diet. However, it can be done. Keep reading to learn how.
1. Use coupons. Yes you really can find coupons for healthy eating on a budget. It is possible. I share more about how this can be done in my post 25 Places to Find Coupons and Discounts for Healthy Food, however, in short, you want to check out mobile apps like Ibota and the websites for companies who make your favorite healthier foods and or allergen free foods.
2. Plan ahead- This cannot be said enough. If you plan ahead I guarantee that you will eat healthier and on a budget than if you don’t.
3. Buy all your food for the month at once. (With maybe an exception for some fresh fruits and vegetables.) The more trips you make to the store, the more money you will spend, this is a proven fact.
4. Make menus for your lunches and dinners- This is another part of planning head for healthy eating on a budget. You just have to do it. Write out your menus and what things you need to buy for each meal.
5. Make fruits and vegetables your main staple- Fruits and vegetables cost less overall than if you buy lots of crackers, chips, meats, pastas, sauces etc.
6. Shop case lot sales- Figure out when these are each year or sometimes they happen twice a year, and buy your go to staples of canned vegetables, soups etc in bulk when they cost less.
7. Check the ads for the stores in your area before you go shopping. Do some comparisons to figure out which store or stores have the best prices and to be aware of what is on sale and when.
8. Buy fruits and vegetables in season. This will save you a ton of money. While you may really want a peach in November say for example, they cost a lot more, so you are better off resisting the temptation.
9. Cook your own meals at home. The more you eat out the more you spend. Enough said.
10. Focus on simple and use spices for flavoring rather than more costly sauces. Spices last forever and are really inexpensive. Check out this blog post for some ideas. 5 Fat Free and Allergy Free Spices that Add a Lot of Flavor

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