As you can probably imagine I read a lot of health and wellness books. In fact, I probably read too many. However as a health coach reading health and wellness books is a must in order to stay up to date with all that is going on as well as helping me to learn what I need to know to help people. However, not all books are created equal. Here is a list of the 10 best health and wellness books I’ve read recently.
- The Thyroid Reset Diet– This book was eye opening in helping me to understand better the role that iodine plays in thyroid health. In fact, I’ve quit using regular salt and salted butter and I’ve started paying better attention to sodium and iodine content in everything I eat as a result of reading this book. While this may or may not be a solution for your thyroid health, I do think it makes a difference for me.
2. Healing Your Thyroid Naturally– Ever since I was diagnosed with hashimotos in January 2018, I’ve read a lot of books on thyroid health and they are not all helpful. In fact, some are more confusing than helpful. These first two books are two of the best ones I’ve read. I recommend if you have a thyroid problem you read this two books.
3. Empowered Self Care– This is a 21 day program and journal to help you with your self care. As you probably can guess, I’m a big advocate for self care as a part of everyday life and for your ultimate wellness and healing routine. If you haven’t already gotten your free copy of my self care journal make sure to grab it now.
4. The Essential Oils Menopause Solution While I’m still 2-6 years away from menopause, this books also addresses ways to balance your hormones and hormone health with essential oils. It also gives you a good look into what will happen when you do reach menopause and how to prepare for it.
5. Feel Better in 5– This book was written by Dr. Rangan Chatergee, the same doctor in the UK who wrote the book I highly recommend that everyone read as the bible for improving your health and wellness- How to Make Disease Disappear. In his newer book he shares strategies for how to feel better in 5 minutes. I know as someone with an autoimmune condition who often feels bad for no apparent reason, these strategies are very much appreciated.
6. Regenerate Sayer Ji- This is a must read for understanding how to properly and successfully detox and regenerate your body for maximum health.
7. Ancient Remedies by Dr. Axe Another must read by Dr. Josh Axe, his blog and all of his books are must reads in my opinion. He has some great knowledge to share about how to embrace the power of ancient remedies such as herbs, essential oils and other similar things to help in your wellness journey.
8. Beat Autoimmune by Palmer Kippola If you have an autoimmune condition of any kind, or you think you might, this book is a must read to help you understand what must be done to help you as the title says beat it, or at least put your condition into remission and start on your journey to healing.
9. Fix Your Period by Nicole Jardin-If you have ever struggled with period pain then this books is a must read. I’ve had chronic period pain ever since I began menustrating at the age of 14. This book was life changing. No kidding.
10. Whole Foot Revolution– If you’ve paid attention at all to the world of holistic medicine, then you probably know that your feet hold the key to your health. Your feet are the best place to apply essential oils. They also have points on them that lead to every other organ in your body. This book explains this concept in detail.
Want to read more of the best health and wellness books? Curious what other people think the best health and wellness books are?
21 Health & Well-Being Books For Your 2021 Reading List
Our 7 Best Health and Wellness Books to Read in 2021– from a site targeted specifically to women.

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