When living gluten free, there are certain things that you simply must do in order to make it work for you. Here are my 10 commandments of living gluten free.
1. Thou shalt read the labels on all products at least two times and if you aren’t sure if there could be gluten inside something, then thou shalt not eat it.
2. Thou shalt be aware of the common hidden sources of gluten and avoid those pitfalls.
3. Thou shalt plan in advance for any eating situation in which you might be tempted to eat gluten by making sure that you have some gluten free options available.
4. Thou shalt spend some time finding gluten free recipes in advance so that you are prepared for gluten free cooking.
5. Thou shalt accept the fact that if you choose to eat gluten free versions of some foods, then you are going to spend more money. That is just the realities of the costs of gluten free food.
6. Thou shalt realize that just because a food is gluten free does not mean it is healthy. There is plenty of gluten free junk so be aware of it and avoid it.
7. Thou shalt be aware of gluten in makeup, and other bath and body products and find alternatives that are gluten free.
8. Thou shalt spend some time periodically reading about the latest research and news on gluten free products and living a gluten free lifestyle.
9. Thou shalt never cheat by eating gluten ever.
10. Thou shalt seek out support from other gluten free people whenever needed.
Did I miss anything that you think is really important?
If you’re curious to know my personal strategies that have already helped thousands of people improve their health and live a gluten free lifestyle easily and at a lower cost, click here to learn more.

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My Favorite Products (Affiliate links- if you make a purchase I may earn a small commission)
Thrive Market - healthy gluten free, sugar free and speciality online food and household products
Silk and Sonder Monthly Journals and Planners
My Portable Infrared Sauna
Self Care Journal
Martie discounted food
Olipop - healthy soda with probiotics and prebiotics
Digestion Kit
Stress Oils