Salad dressings are one of those things that can be tricky when implementing and living a gluten free lifestyle. They often have hidden sources of gluten, and even those that are gluten free are full of sugar, canola oil, high fructose corn syrup and other unhealthy ingredients. Yet most of us don’t like to eat plain salad without some kind of dressing. Here are five of my favorite delicious and simple gluten free salad dressings. In fact, as a former addict of store bought French and Italian dressing, I guarantee you will love these. In fact, even though they are usually gluten free, I haven’t bought a single bottle of French or Italian dressing since I first went gluten free 3 years ago. In fact, I can honestly say that I prefer my gluten free salad dressings over anything else at the store.
1. This is the most simple gluten free salad dressing and therefore the one that I use the most often. I mix equal parts of olive oil and balsamic vinegar and drizzle on my salad. It’s simple and yet delicious.
2. Olive oil with your choice of essential oil. I mix in 1-3 drops of: wild orange, lemon, lime, basil or cilantro essential oil and drizzle on my salad. You could also combine 1-2 of the oils. Be careful not to use too much. If the salad is only a serving size for 1 person, then 1 drop is plenty. Also make sure that you are using essential oils that are a food grade and that say on the label that they are safe for internal consumption. If you have questions about what kinds you can use, contact me and I will be happy to talk with you.
3. Balsamic vinegar with 1-3 drops of your choice of essential oils. I make it just like above however, I use balsamic vinegar instead of olive oil.
4. Humas with a squeeze of lemon. You can use whatever kind of humus you like or make your own. I then add in a squeeze of lemon and spread it throughout the salad like a salad dressing.
5. Balsamic vinegar with red wine vinegar. I mix the two together and sometimes also add in a bit of olive oil. You can also experiment with adding in the 1-3 drops of the essential oils mentioned above for additional flavoring.
I encourage you to try them all the let me know which one is your favorite gluten free salad dressing. I hope you will like these and that they will have you realizing you don’t need store bought salad dressings to have a delicious salad.

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