Which gluten free pasta is best? Gluten free pasta’s have evolved quite a bit in the past 11 years since I first began following a gluten free lifestyle. When I first went gluten free in March of 2013, there were a few gluten free pastas made of quinoa and corn and that was pretty much it. So your choices were quite limited. This also made it difficult because if you are like me and many others with an autoimmune condtion, corn is also an allergy trigger and I try to avoid it. So for the first few years I was gluten free, I only ate gluten free pasta about once a month or less and would just eat rice or other things instead.
Some restaurants also had gluten free pasta options but even then, the majority of them didn’t have it and those who did still had a high risk of cross contamination. So the question of which gluten free pasta is best was useless because there really wasn’t much out there. Fast forward 111 years though and we now have quite a few choices.
Different Types of Gluten Free Pasta
The gluten free pastas made of corn and quinoa that were available in 2013 still exist. However, now there are a lot more. Brown rice pasta is rather common. You can even find it at Walmart as well as most other grocery stores. You can also find pasta made of just quinoa as well as a brown rice and quinoa mix. Trader Joe’s has a brown rice and quinoa pasta that is quite good. In addition there are pastas made of lentils, chickpeas and even black beans as well as other gluten free grain pastas and grain free ones as well. Shirataki noodles, red lentils and quinoa, almond flour pasta and cassava flour pasta are just a few of the gluten free speciality pastas I’ve found. Not to also mention the Keto craze that has people making pasta out of zucchini, butternut and other squashes that are low carb.
Stores like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods have entire aisles of gluten free pastas and if you have a subsciption like Thrive Market you can access even more options. In addition lots of gluten free bloggers have recipes to make your own gluten free pasta like this one.
The Ones I Like the Best
Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to gluten free pasta so the gluten free pasta I think is best, may or may not be the one you like the best. If I had to pick one it would be just the plain brown rice pasta. I think the consistency of this one is the most like whole wheat pasta. Plus it’s the cheaper of the gluten free pasta options and the easiest to find. A good second would have to be a tie between the brown rice and quinoa pasta from Trader Joes’s and chickpea pasta. I know the idea of a pasta made from chickpeas may seem odd, but it is actually quite tastly and you can find a few different brands, selling chickpea pasta with a vegan cheese to make a gluten free and dairy free Mac n’ Cheese that is not only quite tasty but reasonably healthy.
Which gluten free pasta is best? Well unfortunately, I can’t really tell you which one you will think is best. You will likely need to try a few and see which one you think is best. However, I hopefully have shared enough in this post, for you to make an informed decision about which one to try first, based on what I think is best.

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Thrive Market - healthy gluten free, sugar free and speciality online food and household products
Silk and Sonder Monthly Journals and Planners
My Portable Infrared Sauna
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Martie discounted food
Olipop - healthy soda with probiotics and prebiotics
Digestion Kit
Stress Oils