What are the common perimenopause symptoms? How do they affect an autoimmune condition? What can you do to make sure that you have fewer negative perimenopause symptoms and that you enjoy this phase in your life? Learn all about perimenopause, the symptoms and causes, how to eat well and still lose weight during this phase of your life. Plus learn about how perimenopause can affect your autoimmune symptoms and challenges.

Sarah is a 46 year old personal trainer, fitness instructor, nutrition coach, business mentor, wife, mom of three and the founder and CEO of Burn Fat and FEAST, a lifestyle program for menopausal and perimenopausal women who feel stuck and frustrated with weight loss and overall well being. Burn Fat and FEAST provides a proven, step-by-step system that educates and empowers women to finally shed the excess weight, increase metabolism and stop the yo-yo dieting once and for all. At Burn Fat and FEAST we teach women to live life to the fullest and thrive through the second half of their lives by focusing on progress over perfection!

During her 27 years in the fitness and nutrition industry, She has seen women lose weight, learn how to exercise properly, gain confidence and transform their lives. Fitness became my first love after dealing with childhood obesity and then teenage anorexia. My love for fitness quickly turned into over-exercising and undereating as a young adult. In my early 30s, after experiencing weight gain and fatigue from the “eat less, move more” approach, I set out on a mission to create a comprehensive wellness plan for myself to feel better and look just as good. After 12 weeks on this new plan, I dropped 10 pounds and 10 inches. Shortly after, a handful of my training clients saw similar results. Burn Fat and FEAST was born from these early success stories and has now touched thousands of womens’ lives across the country. 

I am passionate about teaching positive mindset, food freedom, metabolism flexibility, hormone balance and fat loss to women in their 40s and beyond. I implement our BFF signature 3, 4, 5 approach for long term, sustainable fat loss. This approach gives my clients results without feeling deprived or getting stuck in a plateau. I’ve been featured in TV and magazine publications such as Nashville’s Talk of the Town, Franklin Lifestyle, The Tennessean, Nashville Voyager as well as on Podcasts and as a keynote speaker for national wellness and educational conferences across the country. 

BFF is tailored specifically for menopausal women experiencing weight loss resistance or women who are seeing that what you were doing before is no longer working, our Burn Fat and FEAST lifestyle offers a holistic approach. We focus on rejuvenating your body from within by implementing our unique nutritional techniques, including a weekly FEAST day, carb cycling and intermittent fasting, combined with brief yet impactful workouts that can be done from the comfort of your own home. Our program not only helps restore hormonal balance, and rev up metabolism but it also provides you with daily sisterhood support, ensuring you achieve your health and fitness goals both in the present and are able to sustain them for the future through our lifestyle approach. 

We empower women to take ownership of their wellness and change the trajectory of obesity and disease by providing a roadmap to sustainable success and a support system every step of the way! Burn Fat and FEAST is a lifestyle, not a weight loss program. It empowers women to enrich their lives beyond wellness and build strength and confidence for years to come.

Hormone & Metabolism


Free week of meals


Ultimate Guide to IF


IG: @burnfatandfeast

FB: https://facebook.com/sarahbthomas1 and https://facebook.com/burnfatandfeast

Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/sarahbthomas1

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/burn-fat-and-feast/

TikTok: @burnfatandfeast

Podcast on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-burn-fat-feast-podcast/id1617869214

Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1oxApXwzl6MkbLe9xTeEYo?si=5301d5e624784207



https://www.facebook.com/groups/1274175526859581– Self Care Facebook Group

Free Autoimmune Healing Ebook- http://annalaurabrown.com/ebook

Free Webinar- Avoid these 10 common autoimmune healing mistakes. https://expertise.tv/webinar/empowering-women-transform-your-health-journey-by-avoiding-these-10-common-autoimmune-mistakes-2024-02-29/landing/19523

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