Is Lyme disease curable? How I cured my Lyme disease and other autoimmune disease with Dr. Brad Montague. Learn about the role and connection between Lyme disease and autoimmune diseases and how to really heal and thrive in your life.
Dr. Brad Montague is a funcitional medicine doctor with over 30 years experience in helping people heal from lyme disease and a variety of autoimmune conditions. His personal experiences with autoimmunity and chronic pain have helped him heal people who otherwise thought they couldn’t be healed. Learn more about him at:– Self Care Facebook Group
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AnnaLaura Brown: Hello, this is Anna Laura Brown, host of the Autoimmune Rehab podcast, where we talk about how to actually thrive and heal your autoimmune condition. Rather than just covering it up with pills or changing your diet and hoping you’ll feel better one day, we feature solo episodes on helpful topics and interviews with guests who have actually walked in your shoes with autoimmune disorders who have years of experience in helping people to thrive and not just survive with autoimmune challenges. I’m a health coach who started this podcast because I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2018 and wanted to inspire hope and transform health for people with autoimmune challenges. So, keep listening. Let’s get you the help and hope you really need. This is the autoimmune rehab podcast. Okay. Today, I’m happy to welcome to the podcast Dr. Brad Montigue.
AnnaLaura Brown:
AnnaLaura Brown: So he is going to start off by telling us a little bit in short,…
AnnaLaura Brown: your 30 secondond elevator pitch. Who exactly are you and what brings you on to autoimmune rehab today?
Dr Brad: I’m a veteran functional medicine doc…
Dr Brad: who started a life early on with chronic illness. have had to figure out all my own issues how to resolve those which has opened the door to put it simply for every patient we’ve shared for almost 40 years we’re the best clinics in the world we’ve outdiagnosed them we’ve out given them better care and we resolve the issues that they never could for close to 40 years with every single case we’ve shared with the most prestigious clinics in the world so I’m a little
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad:
Dr Brad: different than most.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah, for sure.
AnnaLaura Brown: Absolutely. Yeah. And the majority of people who are listening to this have probably been through the loops a little bit with, either getting misdiagnosed or struggling to get a diagnosis in the first place. at They say the average autoimmune diagnosis takes at least three doctors. And a lot of times people go through more like five or six. For me,…
AnnaLaura Brown: it was three. I feel like that I was pretty lucky that I caught it after only three, but a lot of times it takes people a lot more doctors than that. And I often tell people if you’ve ever been to the doctor because you feel like crap, they run a bunch of tests and tell you everything’s fine, then it probably means you have an autoimmune issue.
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: Said.
Dr Brad: That’s said. Yeah. I just woke up in the middle of the night with wrenching pain,…
AnnaLaura Brown: So, going back to starting off being sick at around the age of five,…
AnnaLaura Brown: what kinds of symptoms did you have then? And how long did it take you to actually finally start to realize, hey, there might be some kind of an autoimmune issue going on here?
Dr Brad: doubled over just screaming in pain and in my gut drug off to the hospital and they say, ” you got inflamed intestines.” And it’s like, “Really? I’m five years old You question why. And I don’t remember how many trips I went there. Same thing. And they pull your pants down and give you some kind of suppository and hold some pressure down there and say you’re good. And it’s like, caused it? 5 years old. What caused it? Why is it there? How do you keep it away? Nobody has any answers. And I started playing with my diet at that age and realized if I ate different I felt a lot different than the rest of my family. or I felt a lot better than what I was feeling was really sick.
Dr Brad: And that’s really what started my journey is playing with things myself,…
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: having really no background, just I felt so miserable, I’d do anything to feel better. And changing the way I eat made a huge difference.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah, that’s big.
AnnaLaura Brown: And I to recognize and acknowledge that at five is even more amazing. So yeah.
Dr Brad: Yeah, I don’t claim to be out of a normal mold for sure. …
AnnaLaura Brown: So back then so was it things like your family was eating mostly processed food so then you just started eating real foods and fruits and vegetables and actual real food or what kinds of things did you change at that young age that you felt like made you feel
AnnaLaura Brown: Better work.
Dr Brad: when I grew up, Car Nation was making their big push to try and convince everybody that they could make a better than you you could at home and how they convince women they’re made wrong and formula was better than breast milk cuz I mean that’s a topic in itself that’s just absolutely completely insane. so my mom thought it was a good idea to get carnation in breakfast which is the little pouches you dump in milk that’s full of sugar and some kind of flavoring like strawberry.
Dr Brad: you have one of those and the way that crashes your blood sugars, your adrenals, and makes all your hormones just go wacky.
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: I have that a few times when I’m 5 years old. It’s like, man, I don’t like this. So, I’d reach for the cupboard and I make oatmeal.
AnnaLaura Brown: There you go.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah, that works for Absolutely. Yeah. And I think that something a lot of people don’t realize is the role that things like sugars and…
AnnaLaura Brown: dyes and things like that can play in chronic pain even.
Dr Brad: And there’s no such thing as a clean strawberry.
Dr Brad: And milk’s a toxic food. That’s another thing. And it’s just all these big snowballs that you don’t know all that when you’re five,…
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: but the one just makes you feel sicker than sick and you try something else that makes you feel better. And so you start playing around with that to see a cooked breakfast.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah. …
Dr Brad: You just can’t beat it. You never can.
AnnaLaura Brown: And so once you started doing this, did your mom and some of the rest of your family members start changing or were they just still kind of like, “Yeah, whatever. This is some weird kid that we’ve got here.
Dr Brad: I was a caboose and always just been a really creative person. I flip things around my mind. You can give me a bunch of facts. I can flip those around to figure out a principle behind those. And I can figure out how to do a lot of things. I’ve done so many things in life. People think I’m a liar if I talk about them. it’s too much of a list for most people. and when I finally moved out of the house, I’m on the caboose of five kids, but I wasn’t the last one to move out. When I moved out of the house, I was told my mom cried for 3 days. And when I heard that, I just looked at her and said, “You only reason you cried for three days is because there was no one left to raid your refrigerator to take all leftovers and…
AnnaLaura Brown: Uhhuh.
Dr Brad: make soup anymore.” And my mom never responded to that at all. But I know when I was a teenager, I had people trying to talk me into opening up a restaurant to cook because I just really a creative cook and I don’t use recipes. I’m a mood cooker. So what I was in the mood for is what I’ll do. And I learned that in trying to make myself feel better at a very young age.
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad:
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah. Yeah,…
Dr Brad: I was cooking pretty intricate stuff when I’m 7 years old and it’s just went on from there. So, I’m like a fish out of the water if I’m in a kitchen.
AnnaLaura Brown: for that’s good. You recognize that and obviously it had an impact on your health and hopefully it had an impact on the health of the rest of your family, too. Because I know a lot of times they say that especially young kids that start having those autoimmune symptoms, a lot of times it’s because the mom has had issues and those issues a lot of times are not diagnosed and they get passed on to the child,
Dr Brad: Yeah, the research last time I looked at it,…
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah. Yeah.
Dr Brad: it used to say the health of a woman when she got pregnant affected three generations. Now it’s at least five. and looking at timelines of family history, especially on the maternal side, are extremely important. Case in point with that, I started working with a lady who was born in a different country. Her mom almost bled to death in birth. They gave her hepatitis, and this woman’s marriage has got several kids and…
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: comes in and I do my evaluations. Those are insanely expensive, but we deal with the worst chronic nightmares out there. So, they have to be I find hepatitis and…
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah, exactly.
Dr Brad: a bunch of other things to start talking to is everybody in your family has been exposed to it. They’re probably carriers. they may not be symptomatic with that.
AnnaLaura Brown: I mean, all the symptoms or whatever necessarily, but yeah.
Dr Brad: And so far I’ve worked with four out of the other five members in the family and every one of them had every single infective issue she had included hepatitis and a whole bunch of other nightmare things. And that was transferred through nursing from the mom getting a blood transfusion in a foreign country that just really doesn’t have any good measures to analyze the blood samples come in…
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: which we don’t in our country either.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah, it’s pretty common.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah, sure.
Dr Brad: It’s pretty sad. we deal with Lyme disease. 2 to 3% of the blood bank in Wisconsin and Minnesota are infected with Lyme disease.
AnnaLaura Brown: I’m sure. because especially in that area, I mean, there’s a lot more people that have Lyme disease that don’t realize it. So, yeah,…
Dr Brad: Yeah, it’s epicenter. But they just ask people if they have it to not give blood when they’re have active symptoms, which is nuts. Yeah. And it just doesn’t make a lot of sense what we’re told in so many different instances.
AnnaLaura Brown: for sure. Absolutely.
AnnaLaura Brown: So fast forward, you leave the house, you start growing up, and then you went to college and got into functional medicine right away, or did you do something else first with your life?
Dr Brad: No, no. I got into construction pretty early. I was running crews when I was 17, union crews when I was 19, and by the time I was 19, I’d by the time I was about early 20s, I’d run every kind of carpentry construction job save for bridges and highrises. So, yeah, that’s pretty extensive background, a pretty young age, and that’s just coming to me. The Lord kicked me out of carpentry to go to college. He did not tell me what. And I hate school with a passion. I drug my feet. I’m kicking. I’m fighting. I hate school.
Dr Brad: So, when he finally put a possessed guy in my life that threatened to blow me away and use my body to sweep the parking lot,…
AnnaLaura Brown: my gosh. Yeah.
Dr Brad: he’s a drunk possessed ex-Vietnam vet that’s just exploding. He’s got loaded guns in his truck and he’s just a nutcase. I’m looking at him and I finally realize, “Okay, Lord, you told me to go to school. I’ll go to school.” And it wasn’t until after that that he told me what to do. When you go from, start off in college, trying to get into grad school, most people take at least four years. Six is probably average. I did that in 14 months.
AnnaLaura Brown:
AnnaLaura Brown: Okay.
Dr Brad: And my grad school is five years. I did that three and a third. So in four and a half years I did nine years of schooling and the grad school I went to was absolutely insane. So that happened when I was my mid20s,
AnnaLaura Brown: And so…
Dr Brad: Yeah.
AnnaLaura Brown: then you’ve been doing functional medicine ever since then then.
Dr Brad: And I got tied into functional medicine when I was in school and…
Dr Brad: started implementing that then. it’s just been a progressive rolling increase of that over the years now.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah, that’s awesome.
AnnaLaura Brown: So, did you ever get a diagnosis at all of any for sort and…
AnnaLaura Brown: figure out, what had actually caused your issues as a child or you knew it was some sort of autoimmune but never really got any official diagnosis of any sort?
Dr Brad: Yeah, that’s really a big question…
Dr Brad: because I had a lot of ear infections when I was young and never understood why. You go through grad doctor school, and you got people poking and proding looking, in your ear. you got to have at least a hundred different people looking in your ears there. Nobody ever said anything at all. I went to a one-year-old’s birthday party and some relatives showed them they’re extremely toxic which made me go almost deaf. I ended up having to get hearing aids and I’m trying to see inside my ears and I have my wife looking at my otoscope. Can’t do it.
Dr Brad: So, I finally get a camera so I can see what’s going on in there. No wonder why I’ve had so many problems. My eard drums are in the wrong place or…
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: in the wrong angle. the one ear canal is way too small. The other one’s a little bigger, but still not all that good. It could never dry out. This is no wonder why I’ve had all the issues I’ve had all my life. And that’s a common thing I think with chronic illness is if we go back most people don’t realize A diagnosis is an insurance code. So some doctor can justify building an insurance company. It has nothing to do with what’s going on inside of somebody.
Dr Brad: and we’re always trying to get this name,…
AnnaLaura Brown: Mhm. Yeah.
Dr Brad: but the names really don’t define what’s going on. Functional medicine, you can figure out the progression of what brought you to this whole point. and with that, you can use that system of diagnostics to prove what will bring somebody back to full health before you give them anything. You don’t have to wait. and it’s really a compelling exam process. Our fouryear-olds are really our best patients because you can’t convince them. You have to prove it.
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: And it gets proven so thoroughly with the way we do evaluations. They go home and they convince their parents they want to work with a doctor. They took him today because they know he can heal them.
AnnaLaura Brown: …
AnnaLaura Brown: you actually work with kids…
AnnaLaura Brown: then in your practice?
Dr Brad: My youngest patient was three hours old,…
Dr Brad: my oldest 102.
AnnaLaura Brown: What’s the average age that you usually end up with? in the 40s or 50s? probably somewhere around. Yeah.
Dr Brad: It totally depends. I got a heart for kids. I never was around them when I was young because I was a caboose. yeah, it depends on what’s going on because we’re the last one in a train and most the people that find us have exhausted the best specialists often times all over the world.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah.
Dr Brad: We figured out a way where we’re working with people globally now, not just in the states, globally. And some of those people have been to these special clinics that are just insane in price and what they do. they never get any help. and so a mom with a young child, I got a call last week from a mom with a young child that’s just failing to thrive and…
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: they can’t figure it out and they want a pumper full of anti-cancer meds for the rest of her life.
AnnaLaura Brown: My.
Dr Brad: she’s 5 years old and…
AnnaLaura Brown: It’s interesting.
Dr Brad: threatening to have social service rip her out of the house if the mom doesn’t conform to all this insanity. So, we get things from the infants that are just head to toe. They look like a raspberry. They’re so rashed out they can’t thrive to children like this. usually the contact is it’s all over the map. It really depends. young couples that just got married that can’t get pregnant. They get a hold of me. Somebody tells them about me from one place or another and it’s not long down the road they’re pregnant and they have children. And I think that’s one of the most rewarding things we can do in life.
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: It’s one thing to get somebody so they’re healthy and doing better, but when you can give them the desires for life, when you give that couple a child that’s the biggest thing they want in the world. And that’s one of those God moments. You just go,…
AnnaLaura Brown: Really want to hang out.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah, for sure.
Dr Brad: Wow, it’s just one of those yes and…
AnnaLaura Brown: So,…
Dr Brad: amens to anybody who really cares about children.” And I always do a consult and…
AnnaLaura Brown: somebody comes to you to begin with and they’re like, “Help.” What’s the first thing you do? Do you run labs? You have a different kind of a questionnaire you ask people? What’s the first thing you do for people usually?
Dr Brad: I’ve got pretty extensive questionnaires that I custom designed and I finally put it in Google form so they’re pretty easy to fill out.
AnnaLaura Brown: Mhm.
Dr Brad: I used to do a handwritten but I do that I do my own labs off of urine which is different than was most of the bloodborne labs are very dysfunctional completely inaccurate highly expensive and people are hanging their hope on the wind pretty much just the wind and there’s reasons why and we probably don’t have reason to get into that fully but they’re based on Louis
Dr Brad:
Dr Brad: master’s work. He’s a father of germ theory and Louie realized he was studying the wrong thing. It’s just easy to sell people off of a lab test, but it doesn’t really tell you what’s going on. And they’re extremely inaccurate. the lime tests, they’re 0 to 20% accurate. At best, if you get a lab sample within the first one to two weeks of infection, your food intolerance testing two to 3% accurate. Your gut tests and all that, they’re way down there in the bottom of the pit. and all these things that people are throwing a ton of money at, they don’t really do them any good. So I quit using that quite a long time ago. so we start off with questionnaires. I do a consult with people. We go through cause and…
AnnaLaura Brown: Mhm.
Dr Brad: effect of what brought them to this place and tie everything together because it’s always tied together. You don’t have these isolated events that destroy somebody’s life. you have a few events that create these global reactions that go everywhere. so we figure out what those key things probably are in a consult. we have people send us urine samples. We’re working a long ways away. If we’re working with them in person, we have bring that in. And then I do my own evaluations where it’s insanely extensive. I looked it up a little while ago.
Dr Brad: It’s over 220 metabolic tests. we have probably 11 different tests off give me a bunch of metabolic markers to let me have some concrete numbers on what’s going on. I’ll use BIA if I’m working with somebody close, give some other concrete numbers on what’s going on. We go through a whole metabolic panel of every function in every organ system, all the hormonal interactions. and I’m always expanding that. So, it’s extremely extensive. Then we pull that aside. We figure out what’s going on with all the organ systems. We scale everything on a scale of 1 to 10. figure out what the root issues are, how to put that aside. Bring in the food intolerances.
Dr Brad: We do full food intolerance testing. That’s over 120 different classes of foods different food groups with that. Figure out how they need to eat to be able to Put that aside. Then we bring in our infective issues and our toxic things. We go through all that. Bring back where we started on how to resolve the root issues. Tweak that with what we found with the toxic things. And on day one, people know what’s going on, what root cause are, how to resolve that, how to eat, what liquids they need to drink, and what all their infectives are, the progression of what they can expect or as how long it’s going to take to clear each one successively, not globally, but this one takes that long.
Dr Brad: And we go through that and we just start and we do checkups once a month or once a week for an average about six weeks and it stretches out a couple weeks. Every month we do evaluations and…
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: we just keep tweaking and cracking because when you deal with people we deal things change so many times. You can’t start with one thing and…
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah. Yeah.
Dr Brad: expect it to last. And especially with these microbes, things like candida, when you’re getting down where you have very little left, it morphs so quickly.
AnnaLaura Brown: And you probably deal with a lot of patients that have Lyme disease too,…
Dr Brad: And our real specialty is candida leaky gut.
AnnaLaura Brown: I would assume, too, because that’s such a prevalent thing with a lot of people have chronic issues. Mhm.
Dr Brad: And it’s because I understand what goes on in the gut so much that I can deal with Lyme disease. I’ve been pulled by people who are very well researched who have been to the best clinics that I’m in I’m in a whole different planet than the rest of the people work with Lyme disease. they say you’re just light years ahead of anybody else.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yep. yeah.
Dr Brad: I talk about things that no one else talks about and we deal with all of those things simply because people need it. There have never seen a case of Lyme disease The stage wasn’t set because of candida and leaky gut. And everybody that’s had it has that complication in way worse. First one or two doses antibiotics your guts just in a candia, it’s typically in a yeast fungus fungal pararasite form at a minimum.
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: Mold is closely related. That’s usually there too. And that’s where all the complications come from.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah,…
AnnaLaura Brown: absolutely. I mean, people just don’t realize how damaging antibiotics could be.
Dr Brad: It’s crazy. I had a consult with somebody a while ago who was really afraid to start and they said they have no emotions. They’re just effective. They’re just flat. And they wonder…
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah.
Dr Brad: why is that? And I said, that’s really easy.” when you have candida issues, which this person is just head to toe of candy, it’s not just in the gut. It’s global. It’s in the brain, it’s in the bones, it’s in the organs, it’s everywhere. And said when with candida it creates this toxin called acetal Cetal aldahhide is seven times more toxic than inboling fluid which is from aldahhide. And the acetal aldahhide it creates inside the cells that make dopamine which a significant amount that’s made in the gut.
Dr Brad: A lot of people don’t realize the microbes in the gut,…
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Dr Brad: the cells in the gut make every kind of hormone that we make and every transmitter neurotransmitter that we make. And the acetal aldahhide, it combines inside of those cells to make something called salicol which kills the dopamine making cells wherever they are. And you take away dopamine, you can’t feel good. And people are emotionally just flat. No motion, anything. Just totally flat. It’s really simple when you look at physiology, which that’s a large reason why we are able to be as successful as we are is I’m just kind of a physiology nut. I’m one of those person people that always want to know what’s going on,…
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: what’s causing this, how does this work? you can’t answer that question without digging into physiology.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah. For sure.
Dr Brad: You look at the physiology somebody with flat emotional stuff and it’s the dopamine building cells inside of the gut that are being poisoned with salicol from candida.
AnnaLaura Brown: Absolutely. And I guess the other thing that always drives me nuts is the number of people that just kind of they get sick and…
AnnaLaura Brown: they don’t really even bother wanting to ask why, and it’s like, don’t you want to know why you have what you have so that then you can figure out the root cause and actually fix it?
Dr Brad: Yeah. Yeah.
AnnaLaura Brown: And too many people, whether it’s doctors that just don’t bother or it’s even patients that they don’t really even care to ask why. And it’s like,
AnnaLaura Brown:
AnnaLaura Brown: because I’ve always been one of those people that wants to dig deeper as well and ask, why. So,…
Dr Brad: And that’s why you’re successful in the field that you’re in.
AnnaLaura Brown: and that’s why I’ve, been able to successfully interview as many people. It’s also why I’ve had my autoimmune issues, but I’ve been able to, overcome the majority of them is because, I asked why and been able to figure that out, So, Yeah,…
Dr Brad: And with what you just said, you think about it. Why would anybody ever want to work with a doctor that can’t answer that question?
AnnaLaura Brown: you wouldn’t think he would, but yet people do.
Dr Brad: And the real beauty of interacting with people, you realize, okay, how can I answer that a person with a question like that and build them up, not shoot them down, not speak in a condescending way, belittling, but a way that builds them up and gives them information that will empower them so they can heal it.
AnnaLaura Brown:
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah. …
Dr Brad: It’s a very huge process that’s a vacuum in healthcare.
AnnaLaura Brown: For So, if somebody wants to get in touch with you, what’s the best way to do that? And we’ll make sure we link to your website or whatever information you want to give out for somebody to get in touch with.
Dr Brad: Yeah, our website is really the best way. It’s healthfully u with the letter u. So, h e a l t h f u l l y u the letter that’s the easiest Okay.
AnnaLaura Brown: So, we make sure we link to that. So, the last question I always like to ask everybody is if you could go back in time to, let’s say in your case, you’ve been doing this a very long time. So, we’ll say 40 years ago, right before you started practicing.
AnnaLaura Brown: What’s one thing that you feel like you wish you had known then that now?
Dr Brad: That’s actually a pretty simple answer for me. It’s a pretty simple question. I tried doing functional medicine the way that most people do stuff with all the intellectual issues going around doing all kinds of tests and I just get frustrated over and over and over again with the inaccuracy and the inadequacy of the information it gives. Most people don’t realize if somebody orders lab tests, it leads to a guess of what a diagnosis is. And that guess leads to somebody else’s guess on how to treat it. Medical doctors are locked into somebody else’s idea of how to treat that and that’s in the merc manual.
Dr Brad: the rest of the professions. It’s the last guru that came in came through with a checklist of do this kind of a thing and it’s just completely inadequate. The guys that started functional medicine were a bunch of clinical nutrition chiropractors who were doing some phenomenal things with some very creative ideas. And when you look at diagnostics, there’s four different types of diagnostics. lab tests most people are used to. They’re extremely expensive, extremely inaccurate, and they only lead to a guess of what’s going on and a guess on how to address it. Then you got electrodiagnostics. It’s reasonably accurate for what it finds, but it can’t cause you tell you the cause or extent, and it’s really really poor as far as a treatment protocol. Then you got dark field microscopy or live cell.
Dr Brad:
Dr Brad: Problem with that is you can’t identify exactly what’s there. You can see shapes, you can guess once again, and then you got to guess what’s going on. And the last form of testing is muscle testing, which is 95 to 97% accurate depending on which study you want to look at. With all that, we figured out a way to use muscle testing globally,…
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah. Mhm. Yeah.
Dr Brad: doing things at a distance with a pinpoint accuracy it’s only God that allows us to do that. But if I had to go back, I really wish that I wasn’t so religious as to not be able to honestly look at muscle testing when I started. instead of just one of those anathma things of I don’t like where you guys are coming from and I don’t want to deal with anything there’s no tool like it there’s a no diagnostic system that can compare to it in speed of things I mean we had a 5-year-old girl that spent 5 and…
AnnaLaura Brown: Mhm.
Dr Brad: a half days in a research hospital she couldn’t walk couldn’t be touched laid in bed and cried 5 and a half days they poked proud did scans test and in the 5 and a half days they tell the parents, “We have no idea what’s going on. Why don’t you take her to see a rheatologist?” A relative was working with us, begged the parents to work with us with this girl. We had them fill out some paperwork. We We did an evaluation in two hours. We knew exactly what was going on, exactly how to address it.
Dr Brad: had some product from somebody that we were working with close by that they could adopt most of that stuff. They start taking it. That little girl was out of bed the next morning. 3 days later, she’s outside. 6 months down the road,…
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: she’s healthier than she’d ever been in her entire life. All from diagnostics, she was over a thousand miles away. We never saw her face to face.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah, muscle testing is a big one.
AnnaLaura Brown: For those of you that haven’t listened to it, if you’re listening to this, there’s another episode you can go back and find all about kinesiology and muscle testing. But yeah, I’ve used that quite a bit.
AnnaLaura Brown: And yeah, you’re right. I mean, muscle testing is really a big thing and that’s a whole another topic in and of itself, but yeah, I totally agree with you that it’s definitely something that people sometimes think is a little bit woowoo, but it actually definitely works because at the end of the day, your body definitely knows what’s going on. you can then Yeah.
Dr Brad: And I explain it from a physics standpoint and…
Dr Brad: it takes a lot of the mystery away.
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: I’ve never heard anybody explain it the way that I have. And I could do that in a couple minutes if you want me to. Or if we’re too late, we could disclose it all.
AnnaLaura Brown: No, for sure.
AnnaLaura Brown: Why don’t you go ahead and explain it and then we’ll
Dr Brad: Real simple. When Albert Einstein came up with a theory of relativity, most people don’t realize what that means, but Emma’s mass. C is a speed of light. And what he basically said is God lent part of his nature to make all things physical. When you look at the building blocks of an atom, they’re called a quark. It’s electromagnetic spin of light. And that’s what all the building blocks that make all the parts of atoms come from. Atoms instead of being this thing like a planetary are orbital. They’re electromagnetic pumps.
Dr Brad: And as these orbitals go back and forth, it creates this electromagnetic pump. We’ve got a different electromagnetic field for every element, every compound, every protein and all that. And all the different species, they may have the same sequence of proteins,…
AnnaLaura Brown:
Dr Brad: but they’ll all fold in different shapes. And those shapes will vibrate at different frequencies in every different species. Man has the highest frequency. all muscle testing is doing is testing the health of those electromagnetic frequencies and…
AnnaLaura Brown: Good way to put it.
Dr Brad: and you put it that way and the mystery is gone and all this weirdness is gone and all the religious part of it’s gone and it’s simple science.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yeah, it’s good. I love that.
AnnaLaura Brown: We’ll leave that there. So, if anybody’s even more interested in delving more into the muscle testing, some of the other stuff, go to Dr. Brad’s website and consider doing a consultation and learn more about, how he can help you out.
Dr Brad: Thanks for the invite.
AnnaLaura Brown:
AnnaLaura Brown: Thanks for coming and this has been another episode of the Autoine Rehab podcast. If you found this helpful, please reach out and let us know. You can also rate the podcast, leave us a review, and then of course we’ll have our contact information as well there.
Dr Brad: Appreciate it.
AnnaLaura Brown: Yes, of course.

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