Have you considered trying autism therapy at home? These days with the pandemic and other restrictions, autism therapy at home is becoming more and more popular. However, it can be challenging to make it work. Here are my tips based on my experiences as a child who had a mother who did a lot of autism therapy at home.
First, focus on getting trained as a parent. While many therapists offer virtual therapy, it can be challenging for the child to really benefit from this. However, many therapists can successfully train parents to do the therapy with their child at home. Personally there was no internet when I was a child and undergoing therapy, however, I remember doing a lot of at home therapy with my mom. She spent a lot of time reading books, attending workshops and learning how to help me at home. This is still a great idea even with the internet.
Second, get really clear on what kinds of therapy your child needs and whether or not you can realistically do this therapy at home. For example floor time and brain gym can be done easily at home, however, ABA may be more difficult.
Third, make sure you have a dedicated space just for your child’s therapy. If this isn’t possible, then you may need to reconsider where or not to really do therapy at home. Your child needs to have a space just for the therapy along with the needed tools, toys etc. This space doesn’t have to be large or a separate room, even a corner in a room large enough for two people to stand, sit and move around.
Fourth, make sure to supplement with help from a professional therapist. Doing all your child’s therapy at home is not a good idea. You want to at least take your child for in person therapy at least some of the time, while using at home therapy to supplement the in person experience.
Which kinds of autism therapy should you do for your child? Each child is different and has different needs, however, I share a lot about my experiences here.autism therapy

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