Mindfulness Exercises and Autoimmunity

Have you considered how mindfulness exercises and autoimmunity are related? Join me as I discuss mindfulness- what it is, how it can be practiced and the various mindfulness exercises that can help with autoimmunity. Discover how […]

Life as a Spondy with Julianna Coughlin

What is a spondy? This is an autoimmune condition I had never heard of. Join me as I interview Julianna Coughlin who is thriving despite the rather severe illness that she can have as a […]

Acupuncture For Autoimmune Healing and Wellness

Have you ever tried acupuncture for autoimmune? If not, you really should try it. Listen in as I interview Morgan Rockwell an acupuncturist about her journey with healing from MS and how acupuncture therapy has […]