Great journaling questions are a must in order for journaling to be effective. Journaling is a simple daily activity that can reduce stress and improve your life. However, what journaling questions can you answer in order to make your journaling more effective and to help you always have something to say. I know the most common reason people tell me they don’t journal or that I didn’t journal in the past is because I didn’t know what to say. Use these great journaling questions to never again have that problem.
Questions about your Goals and Dreams
- What is the number one goal or dream I am working on right now?
- When do I plan to have that goal or dream completed?
- What action steps and resources do I need to make sure it happens?
- What change or changes in my life would I make if time or money was not an option?
- What is the best way to make a dream a reality in your opinion?
- When was the last time you achvieved a goal or dream? What was it and how did you achieve it? How did it make you feel to acheive it?
- What are all the goals and dreams you want to achieve in the next 3 years? Why?
- What is one thing you’ve always wanted to try? When will you try it?
- What does the word possibility mean to you, and how are possibilities endless?
- When was a time when you didn’t achieve your goal? What did you learn from it that you can use in the future?
Questions about your past and what you have learned from it
11. What was the best day in your life? What happened? Why was it special and why is it significant to you?
12. Write about a risk you took in the past. How did it work out for you?
13. When did you experience a traumatic experience? What happened and what have you learned from it?
14. What is something that caused you a lot of stress in the past that no longer does? How have you learned to move past it?
15. Where is the best vacation you have ever gone on? Where did you go and why was it the best?
16. Describe a situation in the past in which your positive attitude made all the difference in the world. What was it and what happened?
17. What have you learned through perserverance?
18. What is the best opportunity you’ve ever been given and how did you make the most of that opportunity?
19. What is the greatest accomplishment you have ever achieved?
20. What is a stressful experience you had? How did you work through it and overcome your stress?
Journaling Questions about Habits
21. What is a daily or weekly habit you have started that has changed your life?
22. What is a habit that you need to stop doing?
23. What is something you are procrasting about that you will do within the next few weeks?
24. What is a habit that you used to have that you stopped and that has changed your life?
25. What is a habit you can add to your morning routine that will have a positive impact on your life?
26. What is a habit you can add to your evening routine that will improve your sleep or reduce your stress?
27. What do you do now when you have too much stress? How is this serving you? If it isn’t serving you, what can you do to change it?
28. What is your meditation routine? What changes do you need to make to make it more effective?
29. What is your journaling routine and how can you improve it?
30. Where will you find new journaling questions to keep the habit of journaling and to keep it effective?

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