Have you ever read any essential oil ebooks? If not you are missing out. Whether you are new or just starting your journey with essential oils, or you have been using them for years, essential oil ebooks are ready available and in many cases you can download them for free or for less than $5 on Amazon. I wrote about my 10 favorite essential oil books in this post and most if not all of these essential oil books are available in ebook format as well. However, here is my list of my 10 favorite essential oil ebooks which are not available in print. These are ebook format only.
1. Lavender: The Lavender Miracle! Discover Mind Blowing Benefits Of Using And Growing Lavender For Ultimate Health, Beauty, And Relaxation (Lavender – Herbal … – Natural Cures – Herbs – Herbal Medicine). I’ve heard many people say and I tend to agree with them that if you could only have one essential oil then you would want that essential oil to be either Frankincense or Lavender. In fact, I’ve heard frankincense referred to as the king of essential oils and lavender as the queen. That said, this ebook “The Lavender Miracle” talks all about lavender essential oil including things like the history of lavender as an essential oil and all about the various ways lavender can be used.
2. MAD Oilers Guide to Essential Oils and Drug Interactions: Over 700 Prescription and Over the Counter Medication Interactions
This is a must read for anyone who is taking drugs and is also using essential oils. While the interactions that drugs have with essential oils are minor in most cases, it is still important that you understand that using essential oils and drugs at the same time will at minimum change how the essential oils react in your body. This book written by a nurse who also is an expert in essential oils will help you understand what you need to know if you are using essential oils and taking drugs.
3. Restore Your Health with Essential Oils: Discover the Power of Plants and Experience Lifelong Wellness This is a great overall reference guide for understanding how to use essential oils everyday and for lifelong health and wellness.
4. Essential Oils for Dogs: The Complete Guide to Safe and Simple Ways to Use Essential Oils for a Happier, Relaxed and Healthier Dog – Includes 22 Essential … Natural dog remedies, Holistic medicine) Essential oils for your dog? Yes, it’s possible and in fact your dog will love them and benefit from them too. However, you can’t just use any essential oil you want with your dog and you do have to use extra caution. This guide can help you understand how to use essential oils with dogs safely and effectively.
5. 600 Aromatherapy Recipes for Beauty, Health & Home Do you want to use essential oils for aromatherapy and create and use your own blends? Then this essential oil ebook will show you how to do just that.
6. The Big Book Of Essential Oil Recipes For Healing & Health: Over 200 Aromatherapy Remedies For Common Ailments
Another book full of recipes on how to use essential oils for various aspects of your health and wellness. Learn how to use essential oils for everyday living.
7. The Big Book Of Essential Oil Recipes For Beauty: Over 200 Homemade Aromatherapy Essential Oil Recipes For All-Round Natural Body Care
Did you know that you can also use essential oils for beauty? Yes you can. This ebook will show you how to use essential oils for your skin, hair, nails and other aspects of beatifying your body.
8. The Lazy Girl Guide to Essential Oils (The Lazy Girl Guides) Do you want to start using essential oils but you are lazy? This simple to use guide will help even the laziest gal (or guy) get started with using essential oils.
9. Essential Oil For Your Kids: Parent?s Guide to Using Essential Oils for Children You’ve heard that you can use essential oils with kids right? How do you use essential oils with kids safely and effectively? This essential oil ebook will help you do just that with recipes and essential oil blends created specifically for kids.
10. Essential Oils for Confidence and Self-Esteem: Develop Confidence and Self-Esteem to Boost Your Quality of Life Using Natural Essential Oils
Essential oils can help with your emotional wellness as well as your physical wellness. Learn how essential oils can help boost your confidence and self-esteem with this great essential oil ebook.
Have you read any of these essential oil ebooks? If so, which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below.

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