Essential oils can help you make a lot of great Christmas and Winter DIY crafts. Here are ten of my favorites.
1. Hand sanitizers- I make these by using a recycled essential oil bottle that I fill 3/4 full with pure or distilled water. Then I add in 10-15 drops of On Guard Essential Oil Blend and a small amount of witch hazel just enough that the bottle doesn’t overflow.
2. Hand Soaps- I make these with an empty plastic bottle with either a pump or a squirt. Then I fill the bottle almost to the top with castile soap and add in 10-25 drops of peppermint or clove essential oil. If the bottle is larger then I use more essential oil.
3. Holiday Spray bottles
4. Candy Cane Sugar Scrub This makes a great Winter time facial and body scrub.
5. Potpourri. Who doesn’t love potpourri during the Winter? It adds a great smell to your home and is a healthier alternative to candles and chemical sprays.
6. Ornaments and Gift Tags You can make your own ornaments and gift tags and save a lot of money at the store with these Winter DIY crafts.
7. Bath Salt Ornaments This is another clever and creative Winter DIY project that you can make and then you can use the bath salts in your bath after Christmas.
8. Lip Balm If your lips are anything like mine, they are always cracking and turning red all winter long. Make this Winter DIY essential oil based lip balm to help.
9. Peppermint Chocolates. Ready for some chocolate? Of course you are. Then why not make these delicious peppermint chocolates?
10. Inhalers. You make these by taking a plastic inhaler you can buy from a store like Aroma Tools and then add in 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oils on the wick. Then you inhale the oils via your nose. The breathe and on guard blends are some great ones during the Winter. You can also use something like peppermint and wild orange for an energy boost.

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