Have you ever considered growing a healing herb garden at home? Many people grow smaller gardens or pots with herbs in their kitchens, or in a small outside area, however, you can grow a healing herb garden of many sizes at home. Having a healing herb garden can help with improving indoor air quality and therefore reduce allergies and seasonal threats. An herb garden can also be a convenient way for you to have herbs on hand for cooking, using to help with burns, skin irritations and other common household needs.
Furthermore you can easily grow herbs in pots whereas you can’t as easily grow vegetables and fruits. You can also inexpensively purchase starter plants and herbs in pots that have already started growing. For example, when I was younger we almost always had an aloe vera plant by the kitchen sink for handy use. I remember touching something hot for example and grabbing a piece of aloe vera to soothe my burn. You can also easily purchase starter plants with basil, peppermint, rosemary and cilantro just to name a few of the healing herb garden plants that are sold at most garden stores.
If you want to get more heavily involved with healing herb gardens, here are two kindle ebooks that I’ve found helpful.
Herb Gardening for Beginners: Quick Guide to Beginning your Herb Garden Today
Herb gardening for beginners offers a great overview for people who have never done it before. From choosing a site for your herb garden to growing herbs in window boxes, hanging baskets, or pots to common mistakes to avoid, this ebook has it all. Learn all about the basics of growing and prettying up a space with a healing herb garden with this helpful guide.
This book offers a more in depth look at various common herbs and why you might want to grow them. It also talks about how to conserve and save space and how to maximize light. There is also information on how to avoid problems as well as seed and supply vendors.
Have you tried growing herbs or having a healing herb garden? Share your experience with me in the comments.

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