Do you wonder how many people are getting their essential oils every month for free? In this post, I’m going to share with you the exact steps I took to start getting free essential oils and wellness products each and every month. I’m also going to share how you too can get free essential oils and wellness products every month.
1. Enroll with Doterra as a wellness advocate. While you can also enroll as a wholesale customer, this option does not allow you to earn commissions. However, you can participate in our loyalty rewards program and over time earn free essential oils as a wholesale customer, but, this option will not give you free essential oils every month. Note: There are other companies out there that offer programs where you can earn free essential oils as a distributor or as an affiliate, however, Doterra is what I use so this post will focus only on Doterra.
2. Set up your loyalty rewards order. If you plan to earn commissions by sharing essential oils with others then you will need to set up your order for at least 100 PV each and every month. Once you have an account with me, I will teach you how to do this.
3. Start sharing essential oils with others. This does not mean that you must hard sell, or that you have to be pushy. However, you do have to offer others the chance to try the oils. There are various ways to do this. Here are some of the best methods.
1. Invite them to try a sample. Then follow up with them 3-5 days later. Make sure the sample focuses on helping them with a health issue that they need help with. Lavender, Peppermint, Wild Orange, Lemon, Immunity Blend, or Digestion Blend are some of the most popular options. You can buy premade samples from Doterra, or you can make your own with sample bottles that you can buy from Aroma Tools, Oil Life, or Amazon. You will want to invite at least 1 person to try a sample at least 5 days per week each month for at least a few months.
2. Invite people to join you for a facebook class on essential oils. You can either host your class as an event where you post content to the event wall every few minutes for 1-2 hours. Then you will also leave the event up for people to look at later for about 1 week. When you join me, I will help you host these classes and make them successful.
3. Invite people to take an online class at their own pace. Examples include Essential Oils 101 Online, , or Essential Oils for Special Needs. There are lots of other options as well.
4. Invite people to view an essential oils webinar. Doterra hosts them a few times per month and most are recorded so you can share them with people later. For example you can view many of them at the Empowered Life Series.
5. Host in-person classes where you share about essential oils, invite people to try them and invite them to open up their own wholesale account. I personally recommend that everyone does an in person class at least once. Again, if you join me, I will train you on how to do this.
By following these steps, I enrolled enough people with wholesale accounts, that I haven’t had to pay for my essential oils in over 6 years. That said, I can’t guarantee you, that it will happen for you. You must take action, and share wtih everyone.
Schedule your free wellness consultation with me and Let’s get started talking about you can earn free essential oils.

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