Want help with a specific area of your health and wellness but don’t want to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to hire a health coach?

I offer a variety of e-courses and ebook guides designed to help you with a specific aspect of your health.

Here are the ones I have available:


Healthy Eating for Children with Autism Guide and Workbook 

Gluten Free Lifestyle Journal and Planner– comprehensive guide and planner to help you get and stay gluten free for your lifetime. 

Self Care Calendar– Only $5, this is a 365 day calendar with 365 different ideas on how to get more self care in your life.

Drug Free Surgery Online Course

Empower Her Wellness: Autoimmune Healing Online Course– videos and worksheets to help you heal yourself and track your health and wellness with an autoimmune disorder.

Creating a sleep routine– journal and webinar to help you get good sleep for $10

Healthy Eating Calendar– $5- 365 days of healthy eating ideas and tips