I’ve self published several books on Amazon Kindle plus a few others on Gumroad.
Here they are and a little bit about each of them.

A book about my story growing up plus a guide for parents of children with autism.

My comprehensive guide to healthy eating for autism.

I’ve lived in Utah most of my life and worked in tourism for 5 years. This ebook shares with you 100 of the best places to visit in Utah. If you are planning to visit or just want to explore some new places, check out this ebook.

My ultimate guide to succeeding with a gluten free lifestyle.

Kiss Fatigue Goodbye with this guide to overcoming chronic fatigue and living a life full of energy.

My ebook with 101 ways to Use Essential Oils for a happy, healthy and abundant life.

I’ve traveled to France several times and done it on a budget. This is my ebook guide on how you can do it too.