Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid gland. The condition can cause the gland to become inflamed and enlarged, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and depression. If you have […]
How Stress Impacts Your Hashimotos and How to Effectively Manage It
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune condition that affects the thyroid gland. It is estimated that around 5% of the population worldwide suffers from Hashimoto’s disease, with women being more prone to it than men. Stress […]
Graves Disease Diagnosis Journey
Learn about her Graves Disease Diagnosis and journey with Lavina Quilliam. Be shocked by what she was originally told about her thyroid and how she finally got the right graves disease diagnosis and how she […]
7 Ways Diet and Lifestyle Changes Can Help Manage Hashimotos
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, also known as Hashimoto’s disease, is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid gland. It is the most common cause of hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough […]
7 Vitamins for Healthy Thyroid: Supplements to Consider For Managing Hashimotos
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland, leading to an underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism. This condition can result in a range of symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, and depression. […]